Thoughts on the NRA


Jun 12, 2020
NEVER give in to ANYTHING the Anti's want. They will NEVER stop trying to gain more and more ground inch-by-inch. That's been their M.O. for the past 50years I've been alive.


Nov 23, 2020
Again, I’m not disagreeing. I’m unwilling to risk becoming a felon to carry somewhere it’s illegal to do so.

Unless you have some grand plan in which House/Senate/White House/Judiciary are all overwhelmingly gun-friendly at the same point in time, and then a plan to deal with the eventuality that that circumstance will not persist, the reality is that sometimes we will have to work across the aisle. I would not give up black rifles or standard cap magazines. But I’ll submit to a background check that I’ll pass. I’ll give one small thing to get one small thing. That’s called progress in our two party (often gridlocked) system.

And for what it’s worth, I like that we have a system that’s frequently gridlocked. Keeps any one party or agenda from running away with the country I love.

Glad we can agree some and disagree some. I appreciate the debate.
Understanding the fear of becoming a felon, unjustly albeit, it's a decision you have to make on your own. To me if I am CC no one will ever know unless the situation arises where I must take action and if it is to that point I'll take my chances with the court system rather than expecting the Police to come rescue me.

Neither party is for the common man, we had a republican controlled house senate and presidency for 2 years and not a single thing was passed pro 2A other than allowing the ATF to back pedal and make their own "legislation".

The only way we get out of this mess is by banding together for the common cause IE Richmond VA I'm not from there or near, but I went to support my brothers and will again this year.

The attacking of NRA members is a bit ridiculous, I am a NRA Instructor and life member also GOA member. As of late the NRA has been making very poor decisions I strongly disagree with but the answer is to replace the people making these poor decisions with ones that will fight for us. And I think the NRA of carlton heston is past but it can come back again if we make it. Vote for the leadership in the organization that you want. I also think Erich Pratt does a phenomenal job with GOA.


Feb 1, 2020
NEVER give in to ANYTHING the Anti's want. They will NEVER stop trying to gain more and more ground inch-by-inch. That's been their M.O. for the past 50years I've been alive.
I don’t disagree that they’ll keep trying to take and take. The alternative is to settle for a stalemate and things don’t change. Do you have some idea by which we get more gun rights without giving anything up?


Jun 12, 2020
I don’t disagree that they’ll keep trying to take and take. The alternative is to settle for a stalemate and things don’t change. Do you have some idea by which we get more gun rights without giving anything up?
Educate and Vote. Also.. Protest the indoctrination of your children in public school. Empower your children by letting them know to let YOU know the very SECOND one of these damn teachers hops up on a soapbox to push their own agenda... rather than sticking to the syllabus. Then... fight like hell to get that teacher reprimanded or removed.

Trrrrust me... out here in CA at least.. a DAMN LOT of 'em when I was a kid tried to use that classroom time to push their own personal agenda/feelings on that topic into your kids heads. I pissed off a few teachers in my day by NEVER letting them get away with doing that isht when I was in their presence. I would ALWAYS check'em on it. And you should to!


Jun 12, 2020
I don’t disagree that they’ll keep trying to take and take. The alternative is to settle for a stalemate and things don’t change. Do you have some idea by which we get more gun rights without giving anything up?

Hrmm.... perhaps one idea might be if an organization was handing out college scholarship money for future students who's plan was to become an attorney... having these kids only receive the money if they agree/pledge some hefty amount of Pro-Bono hours in the future toward defending our desired Pro-2A stance.

Perhaps another thing would be to grow a multi-media organizations/businesses that didn't have a bias that's anti. That's likely one of the single biggest threats to our 2A rights is how major multi-media has been electing to portray all things related to guns in a negative light all the years I've been alive (51).

Hrmm.. how about also pass a law that states if any multimedia distribution company or tech industry giant can be proved to be skewing search results on purpose, such that they exert an influence which could even remotely be construed by anybody as being en contra to any constitutional right... that they then can be opened-up to liability in the form of fierce fines and economic sanctions levied against them by the courts. Also you'd have to write minimum mandatory sentencing guidlines in black-and-white in order to prevent these activist judges from looking the other way and just handing out paltry sentences when they don't agree politically with the statute.

I mean... even when I was 11yo I remember noticing how the news-casters strangely had this habit of subtley adding an extra bit of vocal emphasis on certain "buzzwords" they wanted to to demonize and create a negative connotation towards in the listeners minds. Totally not rocket-science here.

When we were young, if I remember correctly news sources had a federal obligation to provide equal air-time to BOTH/ANY sides of an issue they elected to cover. That all went away the moment they NOW began calling themselves News Entertainment.. which also then allowed them to run bits/stories that were their opinions... rather than simply a purveying of the facts and details.

And somehow... we have to figure out a way to make it stick that dumb*sses can't sue an arms manufacturer based on the actions some user of their product elect to do. WE have such a protection in place... but.. since ya got all these freakin' judges now that view themselves as political activists... rather than a dude whose job it is to merely look at a case and determine whether or not existing laws either ARE... or ARE NOT being broken there. You created this myriad of cascading effects that's so so dangerous, not only for gun rights.. but the precedent is sets that can be applied in so many other things too!

That's another spot where things are going really haywire.. the judges doing more than what they are supposed to be doing. They are, in effect, ACTING in a manner not unlike an elected official who's trying to advance their own personal agenda and feelings about an issue.

I think perhaps if, after scrutiny, any courts decision, and/or sentencing... if upon review it's determined that no..indeed... you had some a-hole interjecting their own personal views into their "interpretation" of the law... that you should be able to immediately invalidate any ruling that was handed down by them.


Oct 18, 2019
With all that’s going on these days. I can’t believe anyone would think any organization remotely related to government in any way isn’t corrupted/self serving.

No one associated with government in any way has the public’s best interest in mind. Although they may start out pure. It don’t last.

Might as well enjoy what we have, while we have it. Keep voting new people in. Or trying....


Sep 2, 2018
All I see in this thread is another representation of how hunters and honestly Americans are left behind. It’s absolutely crazy that we as a group of hunters, can’t get behind a guns rights group. But if you actually look at what they put money towards it’s freaking mind blowing.
Now obviously both sides have this issue and I would say the left is worse but at the end of the day who cares anymore, aren’t we all being played?
You can be as right or left as you want but that’s only because that’s how you they made you. Figure it out and make your own mind up period.
We need a party that realizes we need to conserve public land, develop responsibly, uphold 2A, and not be complete f”in idiots.
So why can’t we get a third party going that actually represents regular Americans?


Jun 12, 2020
RE: 3rd party - if they could just make like... "Republican-Lite" ... where they take out all that religious influence crap OUT of the business law making, as it should be. AND... not be favoring their rich chrony buddies soo darn much in terms of tax-breaks. I have a hard time seeing how anybody would not agree with the remainder of Republican principles.

The core principles they have seem self-evident, to me at least, that this is the way it should be. Problem is they invariably then start doing stupid isht like trying to EFF with a persons right to decide to not have a baby. And they have this bad habit of going a little bit too far in terms of allowing their buddies tax loopholes.

Now don't get me wrong. I fully understand the pimp-game... and I understand that you gotta make an environment in which the major players will do well, in order that they then can employ a lotta people, and at a good wage. So I get it that, to a certain degree, ya need to offer em some tax incentives here and there to poke and prod the economy from time to time. But... they do tend to eventually get greedy with that isht and take it a little too far.

Our system is doomed to never be "right" because unfortunately.. EVERYONE has the right to vote and a mind-blowingly high number of people are dumber than a box of rocks and naive and easily able to be emotionally-led and manipulated to be made to vote in a certain way. Also.. most of 'em are too damn stupid and don't ever think about the possible long-term effects of decisions they *think* they'd like to implement today. And also... most of 'em are too damn stupid and don't realize that there is NEVER an instance in which anybody but the end-consumer is made to pay for isht. They love free-isht... and granting huge court settlements to stick-it to what they perceive as the big-bad-corporation. All the while never doing the math to realize this means those corps will now have to recup this exorbitant settlement value you granted which means that EVERYBODIES insurance premiums now just got cranked up even more by your dumb@$$ award Tyrone Shoelaces 50 Million buck for getting hurt or killed on the job at KFC.

My grandfather discussed this with me as well. We need to come up with a calculation protocol... that's voted on, mind you... whereby the courts can come up with a calculated settlement amount that shall be considered fair and equitable. Because come the hell on man... some no-house walkin'-the-dog broke-n-po mofo.. with an 8th grade education... running around in some joe-job... ain't no way in hell that mofo is gonna ever pull-down these large amounts of money if he were to have lived out his life. So slammin' the gavel on award 50Mil for that mofo is so Gawd Damn stupid it ain't even funny. Also.. if we had such a protocol it would disallow those political activist judges from feeling like "Yeah, screw that corporation I don't personally like, I'm gonna award this guy 50Mil!"


Apr 8, 2018
Aiming to be more proactive:

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
Fire Wayne LaPierre NOW!

If they don't, they're sending very clear messages that needs zero interpretation: we don't care as much about 2A or our members as we do about lining our pockets.

However, firing him is an admission that they know (which they obviously do...) that he's not running things well. If he had a shred of decency he'd resign and have some PR group grunt out a message about how he's selflessly given his life for gun rights, but it's time to hand off the reigns, that the press are bullies, mean and naughty (they are, especially when you spoon feed them ammo to shoot you with), and for the good of 2A and the USA he's moving to an advisory role or some such message. Then take a picture (camera down low on the floor, Wayne LP high up on a stage with a podium to make him look all big and imposing) in front of a flag and have a tearful very high priced dinner with an exit speech with much crying and clapping.

Regardless, I love what NRA's done in spite of Wayne LP's gross faults.


May 24, 2019
I suspect the NRA is like any other big organization, the members must keep the executive 's feet to the fire.
They haven't and hence the corruption.