Toe box fit question

May 10, 2020
I’m in the process of ordering/trying different boots trying to get a good fit. How snug should the toe box be? Should my toes just contact the sides but still be able to wiggle?

Also, any tips for the best way to try out boots around the house so i can get a good feel for their performance but still be able to return them?
May 16, 2020
As far as toe box fit, I like snug but able to wiggle. I think you have to know by feel. Tons of miles in too tight forefoot can lead to a Morton's neuroma. Ask me how I know.

Some fit tests:
-slip foot into boot and push your foot forward until the toes just barely touch the front of your boot. You should have 1 to 1 1/2 fingers width behind your heel.
-now lace the boots up like you wear them and kick the toe into the ground. Your toes should not contact the front of the boot and you shouldn't have any pain doing this.
-stand with your toes on the edge of a stair and drop your heels. Heels will most like slip some, but shouldn't have painful contact with the top of the heel pocket.
-although heels may slip some while the boots aren't broken in, it should be minimal, with good heel pocket fit. No slip is ideal.