Vortex vs. swaro


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 27, 2012
Roseville, CA.
Tough to say, but I would think no. I don't have the Razor's to compare side by side, but even the older ELs are super clear. When comparing, I personally think you need to take them out scouting. Compare them side by side and hour for hour. Looking at both at something a 100 yards away for a couple of minutes is no comparison. You need hours behind them to give a piece of glass the opportunity to shine or fail.


May 2, 2012
I used both this last fall. I think for the money the Razer HD's are great. I love my Swaro and could really personally only tell a difference in real low light.

stephen b

Feb 25, 2012
Mckenzie Valley, Oregon
Good advice above about spending the time comparing side by side.

BTW do not forget the Vipers also- from what I have seen they are closer in comparison to the Razors as opposed to the Razors vs. the Swaro's.

If you can decide on which exact size and models you are wanting and can stomach doing the following- this is what I suggest. If your card limit is high enough, it really won't cost you anything at all (maybe shipping- but Cabelas has free shipping) to order a couple pair of what you want and take the time looking at each and decide. Do this during different times of day and get a feel for them and then pick the one you want. You have 30 days before paying the balance on the card for no card fees and I think Cabelas has a 60 day return policy for bino's. If you are serious about picking one that is what I would do. Eagle Optics in Wisconson has a 30 day return policy and are also great to work with.

My self- I am a Swaro man, but Vortex makes good glass for its price point for sure, plus great company to deal with. I know I was plenty impressed with a Vortex 6x32 Viper that I looked at and that was before the HD model came out. That 6x32 Viper gave my Swaro 7x30 SLC a good run for its money. It was very sharp.

Good luck and take your time and have fun with the search. Any of this glass now days can last your lifetime; it is just usually us that gets itchy to try something new ;^)

Matt Cashell

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Western MT
The older ELs did not control Chromatic Aberration as well as the 2010 or 2011 Razors. I have not seen the 2012 Razors yet, but would like to.

The older ELs were VERY well corrected for all other aberrations, however, and showed little distortion.

Most people that love the older ELs are not very sensitive to CA. People that are sensitive to CA tend to prefer bins like the Zeiss FL, but the FLs show more pincushion distortion.

Above Timber

Apr 16, 2012
Colorado Springs
I have the non-HD Razors and absolutely love them. When I bought them two years ago I compared them to the Swaro's and for the money they are well worth it. The only difference I could notice was at last light. The Swaro's picked up the last 5 min. or so of light much better than the Razors. I could not see paying the difference in price. The Vortex binos come with a lifetime transferable warranty I am not sure about the Swaro's. I do not think you could go wrong either way.


Jul 20, 2012
Cheesehead Land
Here is why I asked this question. I had 10x42 binos that I sold to get a pair of 8.5x42 EL's. I just love them but miss my 10 power. I have a chance to buy 10x42 Razor HD at a very good price.I could sell my EL's but really don't want too. Can a guy have two high end binos?

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
I've had the new Razors for a few weeks now and would say they are far above the older SLC's....without a doubt.

I know this may come as a surprise to sum of you, but I had 10 guys look through the SLC HD's, Razor HD and Zeiss Victory FL's and Zeiss Conquest HD's and several of the users picked Vortex. This has pissed off a few of my friends as some of them bought Zeiss Conquests, but they are now sending them back because the Razor HD was far and above anything in that price range and comparable to the big 3.

Last scouting trip I was on my partner had the new EL's and I brought the Razors....I saw no difference in light gathering in the last minutes of glassing! The other thing that was impressive about the Razor HD's was the durability. I dropped them in the bottom of the pool for 30 minutes and they zero issues. I have also dropped them a couple times (sorry Vortex) and again, no issues.

My life has been crazy lately, but I will get some photos up as well as a full review in the next couple weeks, but I would not hesitate to purchase the Razors at all!

They will be on my neck this season for sure...


Feb 27, 2012
I compared the new Razor side by side
with the EL (8yrs old)

Light gathering.. hands down Razor
Edge to edge clarity. it was a toss up
Overall clarity .. Razor
ergonomics.. Razor