Waterfowl Hunters!



Feb 6, 2021
Please enlighten us all! We are all ears, never say no to a legitimate question or answer. Also love to hear the straight facts..


Feb 6, 2021
Sorry! But isn't public comment the basis for much of supposedly, of what is to go into a lot of questions and answers from within public fish and wildlife meetings??
The Fish and wildlife is always asking for Public comments from community to community.
What I have seen over my many years is the fact that the fish wildlife and in a lot of direction by the Bio's that there minds are made up way before Pubic Meetings. Isn't this True? or Not?
We seem to only get part of the whole Picture, never all of what we need to hear and why?
Wish someone could explain that to me alone. I have worked with Bios listen to a lot of very good suggestions and a lot of very Numbing stupid suggestions.
With more cases then not that if it wasn't written that way or someone says we can not do it that way it doesn't matter we are not going to change a thing. True or False?
So I guess there is a little stupidity in much of what any of us have to say according to you.
Or do you see it that way at all? Or is it that what the Bio's state is Gospel? We have to come to a conclusion here> to keep the stupidity factor out of the Bio related issues..
Anyway I guess it matters not! change will not happen within the fish and wildlife divisions.
What we will continue to see is things within the hunting and fishing world slowly go away.It sure is a great thing when the General Public forks out for that hunting and fishing License and tags,stamps so on.
I just wonder what it would come to if the stupidity of the general public with there stupid questions just quit? Oh well Stups IS! Stupid Does! Right.. That's all I have to say about that>>>>Hunter73
And it comes to this over a Sprig conversation from someone I guess whom really knows.


Sep 2, 2018
I guess I will respond. It seems like you think you should be able to shoot more pintail than the current limit allows? You also say you want there to be ample opportunity for your grandchildren. But you think that shooting more pintail will help you in that endeavor? That’s like the settlers saying the Buffalo grass will be the greatest resource the world has seen than the dust bowl. Just because you shoot and see a few and apparently guys you know confirm it doesn’t mean they are thriving and we should shoot more. Your argument holds no water and I know a few guides on the pacific that mostly do Brandt.


Feb 6, 2021
I going to reply back to your statement.. Number one we are not killing Buffalo and its not just a few of my friends that are seeing what I'm seeing on the Sprig Population. Also the Bios in this neck of the woods that have been trying to get a little reprieve on the limit. Simply because the numbers on this flyway are outstanding and if they were not then Yes I would agree that things need to be done to justify the issue at hand.
You Use Buffalo as an example I'll use Elk! If Utah's Elk heard is going down and they know the problem but can not get it under control, So they get the number of out of state tags, cut the numbers drastically for the locals hunters and restrict areas. Question ! Do you think every other state should have to go through what has been put out by Laws in Utah to justify their issue??
Because we see diminishing issues on all our fish game management does not mean we all suffer because of and issue somewhere else.
The Pacific Flyway is NOT going through what the Central, & Mississippi Flyways are going through on the down swing on Sprig. I have heard Hunters on here indicate the fact is that Canada is wide open grass lands land that once were wheat fields where the sprig are doing there nesting. Harvesting these fields has literally killed nesting on the hug grass land Sprig do there nesting. Now how true all this is I do not know! Drought in those areas also plays a huge factor I'm sure.
They also have indicated nothing is being done and nothing will be done, therefore those numbers will probably never come back.
I was out the other day with a couple ol Buddies and we were chatting as we watched flock after flock of Sprig in the Decoys. during the 47 flocks that played our deeks, so we shot our 3 Bulls and continue to shoot our Mallards. This is a dailey ordeal if we hunted everyday. Now we are hearing this everyday by hunters on the Pacific North West Coast and inland along the Columbia River from Washington to Oregon to California down into BaJa Mexico.
The numbers are strong, so whats happening on other areas has not bearing on whats happening on this flyway sorry to disagree with your statement.
Now! I'm really done chatting about what I believe and what You believe. If you do not see it in other flyways come here and see the difference on the sprig population.
Now My Grandchildren will never see what I have seen in the Hunting world. trying to make it a little better for them in my opinion is a good thing. It wont happen I do understand that. As mentioned a time or two on here, Once they take away we never will see it come back. we have seen it time and time again and this is one example in my opinion. what we have is what we have and because we here fight for better things doesn't mean they will get done, Because people from other areas that see there problem as being the same else where and that simply is not right.
Pacific Black Brant and what does your people you know say about the BRANT. another species that has been cut back due to the fact that the Dept of wildlife and our federal conservation group has indicated that the number has dropped significantly. Another subject, But! since 1970 to 2021 the records indicate there has not been any significant decline in the Pacific Brant Population. On poor juveniles counts one year,has always been picked up the following years with outstanding numbers.
Staging areas where the Brant Populate and faten up for there long journey south to Baja Mexico where they winter has held steady from 150,000 to 200,000 Brant. But our limits were cut back in the 70s and also the time frame in which we can hunt them.. Tell me the Justification???? And I do have the Proof from 1970 to Date.. does anyone any good? NO why because the minds are made up from our group that makes all these decisions.. I'm done with the Brant and the Sprig Issues as it does non of us any good to dwell on the wrong doing in my opinion. hunter73


Apr 8, 2019
The science should dictate wildlife management policy, not politicians. So i dont like the idea of running to the politicians about this. We have enough ballot-box biology going on in this country, we dont need more of it in waterfowl. The science says sprig numbers are down and we don't have a great way to keep it from getting worse. If the numbers are doing better in the Pacific flyaway, do you think that it's a possibility they are keeping harvest rates low there because it's the only stable flyaway they have!? It seems like a good idea to keep some pintails around and stable somewher if they can while they try to turn things around in the other flyways. Perhaps they are thinking long-term about the overall species population. Or would you prefer pintail numbers to start dropping off in your flyway too and be doomed everywhere?

I can shoot more canvasback and canada geese now than I could when I started hunting, because the science says the population can take it now. The argument that "if it's taken away you'll never get it back" would appear to be little more than fear mongering. You want better hunts, I get it, we all do. However, the larger picture here is that pintail are in rough shape as a whole. I for one am thankful they are keeping things more restricted in the pacific flyaway if it means we will still have some pintail around somewhere for my grandkids to hunt some day.


Feb 6, 2021
The science should dictate wildlife management policy, not politicians. So i dont like the idea of running to the politicians about this. We have enough ballot-box biology going on in this country, we dont need more of it in waterfowl. The science says sprig numbers are down and we don't have a great way to keep it from getting worse. If the numbers are doing better in the Pacific flyaway, do you think that it's a possibility they are keeping harvest rates low there because it's the only stable flyaway they have!? It seems like a good idea to keep some pintails around and stable somewher if they can while they try to turn things around in the other flyways. Perhaps they are thinking long-term about the overall species population. Or would you prefer pintail numbers to start dropping off in your flyway too and be doomed everywhere?

I can shoot more canvasback and canada geese now than I could when I started hunting, because the science says the population can take it now. The argument that "if it's taken away you'll never get it back" would appear to be little more than fear mongering. You want better hunts, I get it, we all do. However, the larger picture here is that pintail are in rough shape as a whole. I for one am thankful they are keeping things more restricted in the pacific flyaway if it means we will still have some pintail around somewhere for my grandkids to hunt some day.
Wow! I wish I knew that answer and I can agree it is very possible of what your saying as a true fact. Bu very Well put.
We do know that the Sprig count is definitely down on other flyways and if that were a true factor I could not agree with you more.. Non of us want to see a complete depleting of any fowl species and all species as a matter of fact.
One other thing I can agree with you on and that's the political factor involved with our fish and game issues. I agree that if our State Bios whom are hired to do the jobs that suit our States to maximize the efficiency of our fish and game. Let them do the Jobs they were hired to do. Not a political someone whom knows not much about each State or flyway issues. I have had a young Bio indicate to me that most are afraid to speak up and just do there job at hand.. Ya hate to see and hear those things ,But! I think in a lot of instances its a true fact. Its easier to go with the flow then upset the apple crate.
If these flyways which we all understand are continuing with the issues at hand then WHY? aren't these issues brought forth and people working together to see some change instead of a steady decrease year after year which in what your saying as becoming a disaster in years to come. Then this interrupts our children and grandchildren hunting and fishing lively hoods.
I hate to say this but the future looks glim in the hunting world and our Salmon Runs are really not doing well either. SAD, Very SAD!
Yes! I also like keeping things in check we cant have an open season with out restrictions as long as the restrictions are for the right reasons and not because someone whom thinks they know but do not making decisions.. We as older Sportsman have seen great times, good times, and Poor times but I think these things can and do Happen. But! When they happen with what the sportsman put into the Pot each and every year i Believe things should be brought forth, looked thoroughly into then figuring out ways to help bring things back.
Your reply very well put and thought is going to put into what your saying and questioned asked. It seems after all the chatter over this issue it is the most sane issue that makes sense.
Thanks again sir.. Hunter73