What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
I just read that it spread to 10 retirement homes from the original in Seattle, that’s not going to end well. Most of the deaths there are from the original retirement home.

A friend of my wife’s entire family is now quarantined after visiting her dad in one of them prior to symptoms. He’s 85, not looking good. 2 of her family have asthma, so it’s not going to be a fun time for them.

While there is no need to panic, I will do my best not to spread it, as I would feel terrible giving to to grandma or grandpa.


Mar 24, 2016
I just read that it spread to 10 retirement homes from the original in Seattle, that’s not going to end well. Most of the deaths there are from the original retirement home.

A friend of my wife’s entire family is now quarantined after visiting her dad in one of them prior to symptoms. He’s 85, not looking good. 2 of her family have asthma, so it’s not going to be a fun time for them.

While there is no need to panic, I will do my best not to spread it, as I would feel terrible giving to to grandma or grandpa.

100%. The wife and I are talking about this. A doc at her hospital was in contact with a victim. We might already have it and just asymptomatic.
Jan 13, 2015
Veradale, Wa
I was talking to the wife about your last point regarding people hoarding TP for fear of being quarantined and maybe having to be creative about hygiene.

If we, as a culture, lose our shit and Fall into huddled masses because if we are stuck at home we can’t find a way to hygienically clean ourselves, we need a swift kick in the head. Did none of us clean diapers for months on end? Hell, we used cloth diapers on our kid. Are we so fragile that the thought of in an an emergency we might consider using a washcloth to clean ourselves, which we then WASH and use again leaves us white with fear? Have we forgotten how to be resilient and robust and forge ahead? If our ancestors reacted this way, none of us would be here...they’d all have been piles of chewed up bones in the hyaena shit...
Feb 24, 2012
My company's parent company is in Italy and our president confirmed that the country is basically on lock down. No unessential travel or public gatherings allowed.

I guess they could be in on the conspiracy though...

Gotcha. Makes sense. Italy seems to have the major population being older age so I can see how they are

yea I think it’s good to be careful. As it seems the elderly are the major ones at risk. We need to be careful not to spread it to them. It’s just a little
Crazy the panic where people are fighting over toilet paper and fighting people on planes because they coughed. It’s not end of the world in my eyes but maybe it is in other people’s eyes. I feel ya Americans are so fragile.

Its funny at work. We can run medical calls year round with patients who are sick with flu..or sick with anything possible. No big deal. But now with the corona virus they have protocols if we encounter a patient who has it, we are supposed to not make contact with them and encourage the person to stay home. And where goggles, gowns, hazmat suits etc.

As far as I have been told by our Doctors it’s a mild cold.. and washing your hands is good.

So I think the protocol reaction is just a reaction to the hype of the media and to cover their asses. I just think it’s funny we have to wear hazmat suits for this but the normal Flu we don’t. Yet as far as I can see the normal flu is equal to more worse as it affects all age groups.

But you guys are probably right. World is ending better rush out and get some toilet paper.


Nov 9, 2018
I was talking to the wife about your last point regarding people hoarding TP for fear of being quarantined and maybe having to be creative about hygiene.

If we, as a culture, lose our shit and Fall into huddled masses because if we are stuck at home we can’t find a way to hygienically clean ourselves, we need a swift kick in the head. Did none of us clean diapers for months on end? Hell, we used cloth diapers on our kid. Are we so fragile that the thought of in an an emergency we might consider using a washcloth to clean ourselves, which we then WASH and use again leaves us white with fear? Have we forgotten how to be resilient and robust and forge ahead? If our ancestors reacted this way, none of us would be here...they’d all have been piles of chewed up bones in the hyaena shit...
I truly don’t understand the TP thing. If I’m quarantined at home I can just go out back and hose myself off if things get bad enough. There’s a sanitize setting on my washer so the wash cloth would work as well.

That said, my local Target had plenty in stock last weekend. Clorox wipes, Lysol, and hand sanitizer were wiped out though.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
Gotcha. Makes sense. Italy seems to have the major population being older age so I can see how they are

yea I think it’s good to be careful. As it seems the elderly are the major ones at risk. We need to be careful not to spread it to them. It’s just a little
Crazy the panic where people are fighting over toilet paper and fighting people on planes because they coughed. It’s not end of the world in my eyes but maybe it is in other people’s eyes. I feel ya Americans are so fragile.

Its funny at work. We can run medical calls year round with patients who are sick with flu..or sick with anything possible. No big deal. But now with the corona virus they have protocols if we encounter a patient who has it, we are supposed to not make contact with them and encourage the person to stay home. And where goggles, gowns, hazmat suits etc.

As far as I have been told by our Doctors it’s a mild cold.. and washing your hands is good.

So I think the protocol reaction is just a reaction to the hype of the media and to cover their asses. I just think it’s funny we have to wear hazmat suits for this but the normal Flu we don’t. Yet as far as I can see the normal flu is equal to more worse as it affects all age groups.

But you guys are probably right. World is ending better rush out and get some toilet paper.

Yup, it’s a mild cold, for 82% of people. Screw the other 18%, we don’t have time to worry about them, cannon fodder.


Aug 25, 2015
Italian liberals are the worst. They really hate Trump that’s why they’re doing this.
I've always thought of Italians as extremely disorganized and chaotic and not the brightest Europeans. I do have empathy for Italy, it seems they are suffering a lot. I hope they get through this quickly!!! Bill


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
For the third grade math experts that want to panic. World population is 7.7 billion, have been 115,00 confirmed cases, 4200 deaths. Do the math. Hint, you will need to understand exponential numbers.

All of these projections and calculations being thrown around by everyone are based on completely inaccurate numbers and projections. There has been no consistent testing anywhere other than South Korea. And that data is still lacking. The doomsday numbers are no more accurate and plausible than those that say this won't even come close to influenza. Bad data is worse than no data.

Throw on top of that we are dealing with a novel virus that currently no one really knows how it is going to behave and play out you compound bad information.

Be aware, practice good hygiene. I know, Italy is on lock down, oh my. Do your third grade math their as well. They still have far more people dying of other causes than the corona virus.

Which scientist has been predicting a sudden decrease or drop in cases in both China and South Korea that is now happening? That doesn't fit their math models or panic button approach.

Like with most things perspective is in order. Insecure people and populations sorely lack any sort or perspective. That is on full display right now.


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
Gotcha. Makes sense. Italy seems to have the major population being older age so I can see how they are

yea I think it’s good to be careful. As it seems the elderly are the major ones at risk. We need to be careful not to spread it to them. It’s just a little
Crazy the panic where people are fighting over toilet paper and fighting people on planes because they coughed. It’s not end of the world in my eyes but maybe it is in other people’s eyes. I feel ya Americans are so fragile.

Its funny at work. We can run medical calls year round with patients who are sick with flu..or sick with anything possible. No big deal. But now with the corona virus they have protocols if we encounter a patient who has it, we are supposed to not make contact with them and encourage the person to stay home. And where goggles, gowns, hazmat suits etc.

As far as I have been told by our Doctors it’s a mild cold.. and washing your hands is good.

So I think the protocol reaction is just a reaction to the hype of the media and to cover their asses. I just think it’s funny we have to wear hazmat suits for this but the normal Flu we don’t. Yet as far as I can see the normal flu is equal to more worse as it affects all age groups.

But you guys are probably right. World is ending better rush out and get some toilet paper.

Panic is never the answer. Neither is sticking our fingers in our ears yelling LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU and pretending nothing can possibly be wrong. Which unfortunately pretty much describes liberals and conservatives respectively in America right now...

The idea about the flu being worse is just factually incorrect. If we didn't have controls in place and Covid19 effected even half as many people as get the flu every year then our health care system would be completely overloaded and we would have a very, very, very real problem.

That is exactly why the world health orgs are spending as much effort as they are trying to contain this as best they can, because even all the effort and money they are spending is STILL less that the cost of not doing it.

The idea that the only two possibilities are it's either nothing or the end of all civilization are both equally stupid and counterproductive to actually responding appropriately to it. It has the potential to be a massive problem, not likely to end the human race but still has potential enough to make things suck really, really bad.


Oct 31, 2018
So when are we going to start the uproar over 1k plus ppl a day dying from smoking related issues, all the people who die from heart related illnesses due to being obese, etc.... If we had this reaction to heart disease McDonald's wouldn't last the week...


Nov 9, 2018
So when are we going to start the uproar over 1k plus ppl a day dying from smoking related issues, all the people who die from heart related illnesses due to being obese, etc.... If we had this reaction to heart disease McDonald's wouldn't last the week...
Last time I checked being fat isn’t contagious, although in this country one could make a decent case


Aug 25, 2015
Yup, it’s a mild cold, for 82% of people. Screw the other 18%, we don’t have time to worry about them, cannon fodder.
Cannon fodder LOL!!! We do worry about them and accept the terrible reality that they are vulnerable. These 18% suffer much more year in and year out with the flu. Why should everyone all of a sudden freak out for these 18% for the Wuhan virus than the yearly flu, which is probably worse so far? Why do some feel that stating facts is cruel? Probably, because these folks are super concerned and caring, which isn't bad, it's good. However, I hope logic prevails over emotion. Bill
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