What the Anti Hunting crowd really thinks

Nov 7, 2012
Half an hour ago I took a pic of some tomatoes from my garden.
I guess they're trophy maters?

I was thinking about the statement that taking a pic of the animal makes one a trophy hunter and I was trying to take that in from other perspectives. Then I read your post and you actually showed how that statement could be somewhat correct. Why does one take a pic of something they had a hand in creating, harvesting, killing or whatever? It is generally to show someone, because we are proud of it, because its kind of a trophy. It may not be the only reason, but I think it plays a part in a lot of peoples decisions. The instafamous generation/wannabe's especially.


Jun 27, 2021
Much like my taxidermy and photos of my kills, and my maters.
No one ever sees them but me.
I take the photos to serve as a memory, a documentation.
That yes, I did do that. A reminder to myself when I'm old
of the things I did and accomplished. I am proud of that big
ole Cherokee Purple tomato I grew, and the 34" Aoudad on
my wall. But no one sees them but me and my family.
I dont care what anyone else thinks. It's just for me.
More of a record than a trophy.
Thats just my take.


Jan 3, 2022
Welli hope you do listen. It was actually informative and the guys patience that was doing the interview was awesome. Maybe not patience but...restraint. he actually says at the end of the podcast, with her not there, the point was to get her on there to have her explain so that we could really hear their opinion.

And I think we all have some emotional bias towards having others understand information in a way that benefits our point of view.

I actually listen to the super liberal points of view semi-regular just to understand what they are going to say. It's actually entertaining at times.

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Some of the liberal views/agendas are so irrefutably flawed that I get pissed that they are trying to convince me I’m the one that’s illogical. It is like a cult of brainwashed people trying to indoctrinate others. I don’t have the patience to be a part of their audience, most especially when I’ve heard their rhetoric so many times already.

I’m very interested in hearing apposing arguments and opinions that follow logic. I enjoyed debates in school and philosophy in college was great. I like to see the world from different perspectives, and see how people came to formulated that view point.

Any more it’s almost like they are challenging every social and biological construct just to gain leverage. Giving them a voice/audience is empowering to them. They silence us by restricting our content on social media platforms, in mainstream media, ect. We should do the same, because apparently that tactic is working for them.


May 29, 2019

Any more it’s almost like they are challenging every social and biological construct just to gain leverage. Giving them a voice/audience is empowering to them. They silence us by restricting our content on social media platforms, in mainstream media, ect. We should do the same, because apparently that tactic is working for them.[/QUOTE]

For the last several years, as some of the very woke ideas have became something the news has spoken of specifically, I wonder if the people really supporting and pushing for it are really doing it because of the recognition and notoriety they receive. Since social media has become this instant and constant source of simulation, at the same time, people's thoughts ( or thought process) have changed more for the moment than for the longer term.

I dont see it as gaining leverage per se, but more for any recognition at all. Something they can be on the receiving end of and feel their contribution was meaningful.

Whatever it is, most of the time I find it interesting to see it play out.

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Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
Back before I got kicked off fakebook, I was in a really good meme group and one of the admins happened to be an anti-hunter. She was big into saving birds lives, Im big into conserving them so there are enough to shoot for dinner every year, forever. So we actually have common ground…

Needless to say, our paths crossed in a no bars hold meme group. But she was willing to listen, and I actually changed her mind that trophy hunting was in fact a good thing. I had never even considered myself a trophy hunter - I convinced her that true trophy hunting, like going on an African safari strictly for the biggest, oldest males for a trophy collection was not wrong, but right.

Its simple - sustainable population growth through conservation leads to an excess available yearly harvest. The North American model of conservation that is proven to be effective. One of the indicators that its working? An aging population of animals that have reached their peak or past peak maturity, who replenish the population enough to maximize habitat usage and a sustainable annual harvest. So then you have old males that are not needed to sustain this population - the real “trophy”. Now you could let them live and easily take younger animals, but for this argument, on an African Safari, I want to take only the oldest/biggest males. Heres where it makes the most sense - Im willing to PAY $$$$$ for it.

In my argument to the meme group girl, I honestly stated that there was no way enough people with little cameras can raise enough money to support conserving millions of acres to protect animals. They just arent that valuable as pictures to people. But one person will pay $50k to shoot one old lion, protecting thousands of other animals, habitat, therefore giving them value. Its actually what has conserved most African wildlife from being poached or having their habitat destroyed.

The HSUS and all anti-hunter logic is severely flawed by their lack of connection to nature. Its obvious when you are out there and see how peaceful yet savage it can be. They miss the later part. But are we all trophy hunters? Yup. Biggest trophies on my wall are the memories with family and friends, next to the animals we were grateful for since they gave their lives for us to live ours. Will every anti-hunter ever understand that? Probably not.

But the ultra organic free range meat thing is definitely helping our cause. I prefer my meat wild and truly free range. Most people just cant stomach taking a life, animal or otherwise, and want their disconnected reality packaged into proper cuts at the market. Thats fine too. Only we can explain why we do what we do and why it is the ultimate way to eat meat. Nothing makes me prouder than taking an animal from field to fork - starting with a good shot, all the way to a perfect plate at the end.

What I learned from the HSUS bear ban idea? We need to use their tactics against them, just like HOWL for wildlife is doing. Propose counter ideas and be involved, take control. Contrary to what Ive heard, the CA DFG was very pro-hunting in the bear ban meeting when I listened in. Now is the time to build on it. If we can save hunting in CA, imagine the precedence that sets for everywhere else. I would do anything to preserve our heritage, and conserve our wildlife for the next generation. Damn long post…


Sep 29, 2012
“California's black bear population has increased over the past few decades. In 1982, the statewide population was estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000 bears. Presently, the statewide population is conservatively estimated to be between 30,000 and 40,000 bears.”

I recently heard CA DWF was considering a regulation change to allow hunters to get a second bear tag as a means to increase take. Not only are we not hitting the quota, but that quota was set when the bear population was far lower than it is today.


Jun 14, 2019
How many of your hunting buddies do you know of that go out and only target bears? Not many....most guys just deer hunt with a bear tag in their pocket. That includes me. I shot a sow last year while I was hiking in to my deer spot.

I'd wager its probably close to 50% incidental bear kills going towards the total harvest quota.

Now if you go back to when we could run dogs, thats a different story. I knew plenty of guys that would go out and specifically target bears.


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
I go out and target bears only late season, after deer is done. That being said, I usually see more bear during deer season and try to get them, just hasnt lined up just right yet.

If they want to see the quota filled, minimum give us a spring season!! I have lots of trail cam pics of bears in the wild, and even more in the neighborhood. Ive seen an unhealthy bear, and rarely even hear of one. Evidence strongly suggests a booming, healthy population. Sows with 2, 3, even 4 healthy cubs.

Its up to us to push for positive changes to our deer and bear seasons.


Aug 25, 2015
Wait I thought everyone was supposed to get trophies now
We've been getting participation trophies for a long time. I'm a Boomer and in the early 70s, I got a little ribbon in races I wasn't 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. I think it was meant to keep us interested. I thought it was dumb. I don't think it negatively affected me or my friends, though. We were all smart enough to know it was a souvenir. Same with Little League. Every team's member got a souvenir trophy for their participation on the team. I thought of it as a memory of being on the team a comradery. I recently looked at my old photos and things my mom kept. I just about fell over when I saw a graduation from elementary school certificate in the early 70s!!! I'd never seen it, or forgot about it.
My kids get participation trophies and I wince, but I'm good with it. Like me they know what it means. Mostly, though my kids have gotten 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place trophies and that doesn't to to their heads either.
My kids are spoiled, not as bad as I was, but some, because my wife and love them so much and have lots of time, money, and energy for them.
It's difficult raising kids and not for the faint of heart. I've disciplined my kids plenty and generally hate doing it, but it gets done. Of course my wife does it more than me, but she's coming around.
90% of how kids turn out is parenting and genetics. Even kids with poor genetics can out well, with a gigantic amount of good parenting from a mom and dad.
My style has been a combination of being a light tiger mom and light grizzly mom. My wife is more Grizzly mom and less Tiger Mom. I'm more Tiger, less Grizzly. As my daughter enters college and my son junior high, I couldn't be much more proud. We are still working on the smaller stuff, lol.
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Mar 24, 2016
Welli hope you do listen. It was actually informative and the guys patience that was doing the interview was awesome. Maybe not patience but...restraint. he actually says at the end of the podcast, with her not there, the point was to get her on there to have her explain so that we could really hear their opinion.

And I think we all have some emotional bias towards having others understand information in a way that benefits our point of view.

I actually listen to the super liberal points of view semi-regular just to understand what they are going to say. It's actually entertaining at times.

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Hunt to Eat is Mahting Putelis, aka Janis Putelis’ (from meateater) brother.
Jun 17, 2016
I never sit around wondering what they think.

They shouldn't sit around and wonder what I think.


Jan 3, 2022

Any more it’s almost like they are challenging every social and biological construct just to gain leverage. Giving them a voice/audience is empowering to them. They silence us by restricting our content on social media platforms, in mainstream media, ect. We should do the same, because apparently that tactic is working for them.

For the last several years, as some of the very woke ideas have became something the news has spoken of specifically, I wonder if the people really supporting and pushing for it are really doing it because of the recognition and notoriety they receive. Since social media has become this instant and constant source of simulation, at the same time, people's thoughts ( or thought process) have changed more for the moment than for the longer term.

I dont see it as gaining leverage per se, but more for any recognition at all. Something they can be on the receiving end of and feel their contribution was meaningful.

Whatever it is, most of the time I find it interesting to see it play out.

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Play out? It’s true that literally every one now has a platform (including us on this forum). Just because a person has a loud bullhorn, it doesn’t mean they have anything important to say. Again, I personally am not interested in illogical liberal reasoning based on lies. Their agenda towards anti hunting, anti conservatism, anti straight white Christian male, doesn’t make me a very receptive audience.


Jun 18, 2020
San Diego
Way too many bears in California.......with the bears and the drought any wonder we have any deer left oh and then don't forget about the wolf pack or is she dead?

Ever since the MLPA and the promise of checking data and open spots when numbers were hit they shoved tons of BS down our throats.....lead ammo, background check to buy ammo, no bobcats, no dogs on bears......now they are trying to outlaw high fence and planted birds by means of changing wild pigs tags cost.


May 29, 2019
Well in honor of this thread, I'll share a picture of one of the three bears I saw scouting this evening.


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