Workout with your pack on

Dec 3, 2018
Had a good long hike yesterday and didn’t make it out again this morning so brought my SG pack to the gym like usual. I’ve been doing the 22’s workout once or twice a week as part of training but changed it up a bit today.

With 40lb kettlebell in pack (pack weighing between 40-50 with water and other things) :
10 min treadmill at incline
10 min stairstep
16 min treadmill at incline
12 min stairstep
(My plan was to do all 10 mins but was in the middle of goat hunting videos at 10 mins and kept going til they were over)

Followed by 5 sets of:
10 renegade row
10 40lb KB overhead clean

Not as killer of a workout of something like 22’s but a good one at the end of a week to get some burn and a sweat. I shoot for 2.5 to 3 mph cause 3 is a pretty good speed getting up a mountain in my opinion. Try keeping hands off the rails (makes a big difference)