Would you use a drone to access your hunting spot?

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I looked into a chute plane a long time ago. I believe you have to be a licensed pilot to fly it with a passenger. Or to just fly a two seater you had to be a licensed pilot. It was one or the other. I was thinking about getting one for landlocked tracts of land. But if I couldn't fly my boy in with me it kind of defeated the purpose at the time.

I want to say it was Randy that busted his legs scouting for deer in Arizona a few years back using a chute plane.


I know 2 guys who do/did the chute plane thing. One did a 200 ft drop and broke a bunch of bones, the other is a fanatic and does it all the time but only on "perfect" days. The fanatic said that there is no registration or restriction down here, just a growing number of no fly zones - like near airports, etc.
Feb 25, 2012

I know 2 guys who do/did the chute plane thing. One did a 200 ft drop and broke a bunch of bones, the other is a fanatic and does it all the time but only on "perfect" days. The fanatic said that there is no registration or restriction down here, just a growing number of no fly zones - like near airports, etc.

A powered parachute, also referred to as a Paraplane, is usually a 3 wheeled aircraft, with 1 or 2 seats. ... A powered parachute pilot flying a 2 seat powered parachute, whether solo or with a passenger is required to hold an FAA sport pilot license for powered parachutes to legally fly it.

I just got that off google. He must be flying a single seater then.
Mar 5, 2020
Nope, I don't have 1 and I don't need 1.

Life is simple that way...

Fair game and chase since I have the upper hand on rifle and all weather hunting gear...

Like the old guy said,,, a good pair of boots and a ground tarp to rest on is well worth its weight in gold...



Mar 31, 2014
Yeah, then I’d just mount a rifle to it. Shoot it while I’m sitting on the crapper. Then have the drone swing by the house for an instagram picture on the way to the processor. After they cut and wrap, I’ll have the Amazon drone drop it off next to my Blue Apron Box. Then grab my iPad and Google the instructions and dinner is served. It’s ALL about the purity of the hunt. You can read about it on my blog. And twitter feed.

Jan 28, 2018
Personally, I think you can get a better lay of the land on foot than you can from aerial images. Now if you have a LIDAR equipped drone then that can be some very useful intel.

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