Wyoming non res wilderness hunting


May 17, 2018
Seems like a bit of a slippery slope. What if Wyoming required reciprocity for state tag allocations? Your state doesn't offer 20% nonresident elk tags, you don't get an elk tag. Your state doesn't have nonresident sheep or moose or bison tags, No sheep moose or Bison hunt for you. Boom, no more out state hunting in Wyoming. because no other state offers as high of Nonresident tag allocations as Wyoming with as many species.

As I said before, Wyoming is still one of the best states for opportunity hunts in the US. Even with the Wilderness law a nonres, DIY hunter can get after it and have the opportunity to harvest very high quality animals. And for those that choose, you can hire a guide and hunt where ever.

There are plenty of other states to apply in if WY is being so crule to Non resident hunters.

Don't Like the Game, Don't Play,

I mostly agree with you. WY is the only state I'm collecting points in other than MT for the reasons you state. For the record, I didn't suggest this idea, I just really like the concept. But yeah, it's unrealistic and would have other consequences. I don't even hunt DWA's in MT so the odds I'll be doing in WY are slim to none!

The bottom line for me is that the idea of the government forcing people who want a particular experience (hunting in the WY wilderness, or hunting brown bears/sheep/goats in AK) to have to pay exorbitant fees to guides is just flat-out wrong. I wrote to my congressmen in MT this year on all of the guide-welfare garbage they were trying to pass even though it didn't really affect me in a negative way for that reason and I know a LOT of other MT residents who did the same.
Oct 5, 2018
A few years ago I went into a liquor store in Central Wyoming and the Cowboy working the store had a bunch of guns out on the counter that he was trying to sell to some other gruff looking dude. I had to wait until the guy picked what gun he wanted before I could pay for my beer. They were both drinking Coors. Long live Wyoming just the way it is.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
The “don’t like the game, don’t play” stuff is tiresome. Sportsmen and women spend a lot of money in Wyoming, and just the nature of things, that comes with influence, and it is their prerogative to exert whatever influence they can.


Jun 15, 2021
Iiiiiin this corner we have the visiting team, the Non-Residents, clean boots daddy's money and more vacation than the average fellers.

And iiiin this corner we have the home team, the Wyoming residents, the 307's, the cowboys, fu manchu's, tight jeans, and an affinity for sheep that goes beyond the love of good wool.

Tonight they clash, again, on the issue of wilderness hunting. Who will win? Who will prevail? Who can prove they give a shit more than the other? Stay tuned for the rematch of all rematches folks, promises to be a dooohooozy. I know who I got daddy's money on. Back to you Bob.


Jan 28, 2018
N.E Ohio
I’ll admit as someone who has PPoints for multiple species in the state I don’t love the rule, but other states like South Dakota hav
resident/ nonresident specific rules. I can’t even apply for an elk tag in S. Dakota to hunt elk on public or private land, so limiting my access to very select areas just isn’t that big a deal to me. My 2c