Yeti drops NRA?

Aug 26, 2014
Has ANY of the other orgs affected by the new Yeti policy issued any kind of negative statement toward Yeti?


Aug 27, 2013
But that doesn't mean that we have to compromise on our ideologies or beliefs......or "evolve" them.

Last comment - it's not about evolving beliefs, it's about evolving approach. I think the NRA's approach is the problem and what's going to backfire. Sort of similar to Trump being in the white house and what it's going to do to the Republican party in upcoming elections as the pendulum swings back, but that's a different story...


Aug 27, 2013
And, I am feeling the need to shoot a turkey in the face ;)



Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
Has ANY of the other orgs affected by the new Yeti policy issued any kind of negative statement toward Yeti?

None, it's a non issue. To make it about the NRA or even guns for that matter, takes a very active imagination.

I posted a copy of the letter to HuntTalk and Bowsite yesterday.
Aug 26, 2014
If none of the other orgs felt the need to make an official statement or condemnation of would have to wonder why the NRA took up the fight. I'm simply trying to comprehend why the NRA is (apparently) the only org to find fault. Is the NRA's calculation...some other benefit or motivation involved in this? Maybe they just wanted a sweeter deal on coolers! ;)


Jul 13, 2013
None, it's a non issue. To make it about the NRA or even guns for that matter, takes a very active imagination.

I posted a copy of the letter to HuntTalk and Bowsite yesterday.

Post the letter here. I saw it on AT but couldn’t post it here.


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
Still waiting for someone to show their support for the NRA and hit me up so I can take their yeti off their hands.

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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Last comment - it's not about evolving beliefs, it's about evolving approach. I think the NRA's approach is the problem and what's going to backfire. Sort of similar to Trump being in the white house and what it's going to do to the Republican party in upcoming elections as the pendulum swings back, but that's a different story...

And much like supporting the NRA, I fully support President Trump as President. He may be the biggest DB as a person to ever hold the office, but that's beside the point. Trump is exactly what the nation needed when we needed it. And that's pretty obvious just watching the liberal media in their frenzies. Along with all the attacks from every side and angle. It's like every rat in the cesspool has come to the surface to fight for their liberal ways, and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure their self-preservation and continuing their destroying the country. That probably wouldn't have happened if any other Republican candidate had been elected. And to be clear, I wasn't a Trump supporter in the primaries.

Yes, Americans will pull a boner this November and hand that American destroying torch right to the liberals. But again.......that doesn't mean that Trump's approach was wrong. If anything, I don't think he's gone far enough.......but in reality, he's not really much of a conservative so I can't expect that. And with the liberal Republicans that are in office, he never was going to get as much done as was needed.

So........could the NRA use a different approach? Sure. Would it be as effective or change anything in their charter at all? Don't know. But I believe in being absolutely painfully brutally up front in telling it like it is. Most people find that offensive, but IMO anything less is a waste of time and efficiency. Here's where we stand, and what we stand for........period. How it's said, or whether it offends someone isn't the problem. These days........EVERYONE could easily be offended with the way the NRA or anyone else operates. But IMO at the end of the day, that's all extraneous fluff to what the bottom line is.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
If this had anything to do with NRA self preservation, or even the 2nd Amendment, I would agree, but it didn't.

The bottom line is this was a change in discount pricing, and one Org decided to spin it and here we are. Divided again, from within.


Sep 11, 2013
What did YETI do for the NRA anyways? from what i understand, they offered them a discount.

all this is over YETI pulling the discount?
just like how Delta Airlines pulled their's a discount. nobody is entitled to a discount.


Mar 16, 2016
What did YETI do for the NRA anyways? from what i understand, they offered them a discount.

all this is over YETI pulling the discount?
just like how Delta Airlines pulled their's a discount. nobody is entitled to a discount.

They cut their deal with the NRA and the NRA felt they had a great opportunity to make a bunch of money off their die hard members. And it worked.

I get the if your not with us your against us mentality when it comes to defending rights. What I am talking about with the NRA is this mentality of “what we say is correct and how dare you ask questions. We are all knowing and the most badass mother effing American thing to exist and if you don’t agree with that statement then you are Unamerican.” That’s the attitude I don’t like that the NRA community creates and displays.

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Sep 11, 2013
They cut their deal with the NRA and the NRA felt they had a great opportunity to make a bunch of money off their die hard members. And it worked.

I get the if your not with us your against us mentality when it comes to defending rights. What I am talking about with the NRA is this mentality of “what we say is correct and how dare you ask questions. We are all knowing and the most badass mother effing American thing to exist and if you don’t agree with that statement then you are Unamerican.” That’s the attitude I don’t like that the NRA community creates and displays.

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oh..i get that part.

i just dont think YETI cut the NRA a donation check..they simply offered them a discount. now, discount is over? i think that is all that happened. no more discount. nobody is entitled to a discount. it is a total benefit..not an entitlement.

there is so much crap all whipped up in this shitshow..hard to tell facts.


Oct 28, 2014
i cant wait to snatch them up cheap on Craigslist!!
Don't get your hopes up. they are going to be asking for 90% of the retail price , If you could Even hear their offer over the chest thumping


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
The bottom line is this was a change in discount pricing, and one Org decided to spin it and here we are. Divided again, from within.

Divided because some people are offended. Again........stick to the bottom line as the focus, and ignore the fluff. Or let the fluff offend you and continue the divisions.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Did I miss it?...or are people just taking Yeti's word for everything, but discounting the NRA lobbyist who made the initial accusation along with the added claim that Yeti wanted its name and logo removed from any NRA materials and that Yeti would not even fill a previously negotiated order due to recent events?

And remember, this all happened at a time when the NRA was not only being attacked and lied about all day in the media and by progressive organizations, but also having anybody that they do business with being attacked.

So, if this lobbyist is telling the truth, then Yeti wants to have their cake and eat it to? If Yeti is pro-2nd Ammendment, then fine. But if Yeti wants to be pro-2nd Ammendment, but not take any potentially negative press for being associated with the NRA, the nation's premiere 2nd Ammendment supporting organization, then they should be ready to suffer any consequences this might incur instead of just trying to sneak this all through as only a reorganization of contracts issue.

If, and I say IF, the NRA lobbyist is correct, did Yeti also tell the Quail people that they didn't want the Quail organization giving them any free advertising by putting Yeti coolers or the Yeti name in all of their print materials?


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I am not a fan of every NRA decision, but there seems to be a crap ton of hyperbole and misinformation about them that is presented in the media and by politicians, and which I see parroted here on this forum. It is good to try to be somewhat self aware for all of us, so the following is said in that vein. It seems interesting to me that some of the same people who are incredibly all or nothing and "your fully with us or your against us" when it comes to a licensed PRVILEGE like hunting on public lands, are suddenly all mealy-mouthed when it comes to a RIGHT like the 2nd Ammendment.

For those of you posting from New York, Massachusetts, California, Northwestern Oregon, etc. and who just despise the NRA, but love the 2nd Ammendment, who think the NRA is extreme but sight few examples, who seem to have no idea about the amazing amount of infringements that the NRA stops each week around this nation (sadly, not enough in your states), who think that the 2nd Ammendment should be about hunting, and who think that the NRA should support public lands...well just maybe consider for a moment that your outlook may just be a product of your enviornment, and that other perceptions and realities exist. Maybe all knowledge does not flow out of these progressive bastions in the US that are all in debt, have the highest crime rates, have people afraid to speak their mind even on campus without violent reprisal, and are excessively regulated with arguably the fewest rights.

Maybe being all touchy feely and full of "fluff" is the way forward on some of these issues, I don't know? But looking at things logically, how has that worked for your rights so far in these progressive states?
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
My point, is that a phone call probably laid it out in detail, may have gotten a little heated, and then when the letter comes out, NRA jumps on it knowing the inside scoop, none of us do.
But hey, I am not a billion dollar company, maybe at this level, exec's don't bother with personal contact- maybe it is all thru digital venues. Seems easier to not have to face them, and hope you don't face backlash as a result.

I'm still supporting the NRA no matter what, cause the enemy to the 2 A is far worst than the NRA. It's that simple for me. In todays world you will find it very difficult to find the perfect anything. Enemies are everywhere, and often times you have to side with the ones who help promote your ideals, rights , regardless of their tactics.

Make no mistake. I am too. I believe it happened the way the NRA said it did. To easy for Yeti to prove other wise had it not. It does baffle me to see people look at the this from polar opposites though.

To me the reason no other group has complained is no other group got the same message as the NRA. Maybe that is wrong. But, it seems more credible to me then the NRA getting pissed about having to spend a few more dollars on coolers. Especially when it is obvious that many companies are willing to replace Yeti as the NRA's cooler of choice. How does one side see that while the other implies the NRA has a grudge for not getting coolers cheap enough?

It Blows my mind to see men claim they posted the letter sent to the NRA when the letter says the Quail Coalition. How can that be used as proof of what the NRA was told? I surely can't see how that also ranks higher in relevance with anyone, then a statement from a spokesperson for the NRA. But, I'm not motivated to hate the NRA either.

We are becoming ever more divided by the day. As a country and as a group. I'm not saying that is all bad. I think that is the litmus test against partisan dominance. However, I am confused how the divided ascertain how we become that way. I'm just confused altogether.