Recent content by SwampBone

  1. SwampBone

    Lyme Disease & Ticks - What's your experience?

    I live in north central MN. We have good and bad years around here. They’re generally out in the spring and fall. When it’s bad I can get one walking on my lawn. I have a bird dog who’s always in the woods so he’s my early warning system if they’re out. Some years I can’t keep them off him but...
  2. SwampBone

    Ticks... Overreaction?

    It’s different every year here in north central MN. Some years are worse then others. Mainly they’re active in the spring and fall. I have a bird dog who’s always running around in the woods so I know right away when they’re out. On bad years I can get them just walking on the lawn. I’ve had...
  3. SwampBone

    Quitting Alcohol

    Lots of motivating stories here! I cant wait till I can say I haven't touched the stuff in years like some of you. I quit chewing 3 years ago after 17 years of that nasty habit. Hopefully I can quit another worthless habit. I'm like a lot of you. If I start I cant stop. Cannot moderate...
  4. SwampBone

    Varmints chewing vehicle wiring

    Wow! I thought I had it bad in MN. I’m surrounded by woods and it’s a constant battle with mice. I keep bucket traps out from spring till a month into winter. Before I did that everytime id open a hood on one of my vehicles their’d be acorns bouncing around like a pinball game. Also had them...
  5. SwampBone

    Selling firearms to a friend

    I prefer not to sell anything to friends/family or coworkers. If you give them a good deal? They'll find something wrong with it after awhile. If you give them a bad deal well then you're screwed either way. I sell things so I never have to see or hear about them again!!!
  6. SwampBone

    When you drop a pistol in the crapper!!!

    I’ve dropped a few phones through the ice while ice fishing/spearing. Spearing i got them back. Tied an ice scoop to a telescopic tree pruner. One phone sat 4 hours before I rescued it. Soaked it in rice and it was fine.
  7. SwampBone

    Darn Tough too Darn Tight! Alternatives?

    I throw mine in with my regular laundry. Just buy the next size up for your foot size. Any future shrinkage will hardly be noticeable.
  8. SwampBone

    Columbia River Gold

    Wow, nice to see some pigs and open water! What size do you generally keep to eat. Here in MN I keep 14-20”ers unless I’m desperate and/or theirs a slot limit.
  9. SwampBone

    Shed Hunting Puppy

    I’d love to have a bird/shed hunting dog but I’m not sure they exist. I’ve got a German Wirehair that’s got a great nose for pheasants. Loves playing fetch, launch them balls out as far as you can throw into the woods, he’ll bring them back. Throw a shed into the yard to get him interested and...
  10. SwampBone

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    I will continue to believe that Miller Lite is the best natural vaccine we have going.
  11. SwampBone

    Ticks... Overreaction?

    Just found the first one of the year crawling on my dogs head
  12. SwampBone

    Bino harnesses

    I’ve got an original kuiu, FHF, and an outdoor vision. If you’re belly crawling or in a windy dusty environment the outdoor vision is the way to go. The other harnesses are stuck to truck or atv duty.
  13. SwampBone

    Ticks... Overreaction?

    I live in one of the worst zones for deer ticks in MN. Some years there’re a ton of them and some years not so many. Like others have said. If you have flu like symptoms in the summer go get a blood test and find out if you need the doxy. I had Lyme disease in 2013. Had a fever, sore throat...
  14. SwampBone

    Hunting is dying out... apparently

    As far as hunter numbers dwindling in the Midwest what is unexpected about that outcome? Unlimited deer tags, prime farm land bought up or leased out for big money. As far as MN goes we also have one of the highest wolf populations in the US. Not to mention bears, bobcats, eagles, coyotes along...
  15. SwampBone

    Patagonia 50% Off Sale.
