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  1. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    Obviously I'm wasting your bandwidth. Now that's funny. BTW, TX Med Center, Baylor College of Medicine, MD/residency/fellowship, on staff 10 years and 20 years and counting in private practice, not up in some Ivory Tower pontificating. Working 60-plus hours a week. The picture guy, read the CDC...
  2. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    Obviously too many members with no knowledge of medicine, no knowledge of how the ER triages and how the ER protects its staff. Quit commenting on the masks so as not to confirm your total lack of CDC protocol. You're only showing your own ignorance. My God. Mr. Trump has spent a lifetime in...
  3. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    How deep will the damage be? Over 800 more fatalities in Italy in the past 24 hours. Is the virus mutating? Why the younger people? Why more men than women? Yes, the Italians smoke more than we do, but typically (except for the UK) most Europeans are heavy smokers. JP Morgan said on Wednesday...
  4. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    RE: COVID-19 Not good nor bad news, but realistic and up to date facts, and my opinion... God help us. During the press conference today, when a rational question was asked Mr. basically ask him to provide the American people some comfort in this time of a truly "Black Swan" health...
  5. Diddywahdiddy

    Worried about my sheep hunt

    Unless Trump shuts down the entire USA for at least two weeks...and there is the >50% probability of that by this weekend...our hunts are not going to happen. I guess I could charter a plane to the Yukon and land on the Main Camp's landing strip...Yikes. DWD
  6. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    Ringworm, Thanks for sharing the NEJM post. Dr Tony Fauci is THE man to help navigate and prepare the USA. Best, DWD
  7. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    From this morning's WSJ...this is not a political set of comments, just facts. Remember, the economy is a GLOBAL economy intertwined at all levels from basic materials to High-Tech finished products. These are for 1st quarter or Jan/Feb 2020-DIRECTLY DUE TO COVID-19 1. Last week erased $3.6...
  8. Diddywahdiddy

    What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

    Hey Gang, 1. To show the current economic facts, my next post will show SOME of the current economic effects directly due to of yesterday...from the WSJ, Barron's, the BBC, and World Economic Forum 2. I hope COVID-19 doesn't cancel my Yukon sheep hunt in August...too early to...
  9. Diddywahdiddy

    Stone Sheep Outfitter

    WyoSteve and Jack88, Yup, I had a good conversation with the guys at the booth at the Sheep Show. However, I personally know one of the initial investors (Russ MacLennan) from Colorado, and his cousin Lance is one of my best buds...I haven't had time to, but need to call those boys and see why...
  10. Diddywahdiddy

    Anybody watch state of the union?

    "Bravo!" to... WannabeHunter ChukarChaser MattB Robby Denning I still say, with the economy booming, unemployment in all sectors at an all-time low, and what appears to some concessions, BY THE CHINESE, in the second part of the Trade Deal with China, especially with the Ag sector/row crop...
  11. Diddywahdiddy

    Anybody watch state of the union?

    Mea Culpa I made two mistakes: 1. The and websites are correct. "As of 2/3/20 the official debt of the US government is $23.2 trillion...which amounts to $70,484 for every person living in the US". I was quoting for US households a 3-person family ($180k) or...
  12. Diddywahdiddy

    Anybody watch state of the union?

    To my brothers/sisters that I hope to see "On The Trail" and continue to express our opinions, or attack another' opinion "without attacking the man". I expected some blowback. Perhaps later I've got some time later to respond in detail, as the data doesn't lie, but here is some reading: From...
  13. Diddywahdiddy

    Anybody watch state of the union?

    To "Savagenut" and "real unlucky"...Thank You for some words of truth and wisdom. Our national debt under the current POTUS has run up twice the rate of the prior administrations' 8 the debt is equal to over $240,000 for every US citizen. Do the's there in black and...
  14. Diddywahdiddy

    Stone Sheep Outfitter

    Helos are legal in the NWT only. IMO, if you are looking to hunt a "true & dark" Stone' need to be looking in BC. As for transportation "to get you to the base of the mountain so that the hiking begins"...the reputable Stone's outfitters such as: Big Nine Tuchodi RIver...
  15. Diddywahdiddy

    2018 Idaho Unit 11-13-18 RMBS Hunt Phase One Continued

    What a coincidence. I haven't checked RokSlide since August and checked it late last night but was too tired to respond. Yes, I personally saw a Cinnamon Phase and a pure melanistic black bear while hunting the S. Fork Capt Jack Creek drainage during "Phase One". That's the only area we saw...
  16. Diddywahdiddy

    Any old guys hunted Dall Sheep?

    You can do it. Stay consistent with your training and eat healthy. One of my keys is gradually working up to carrying 45-plus pounds up/down steps, on the elliptical glider, stair master and take it one day at a time. I'm 62 and have at least two more sheep hunts booked and one AK-Yuk moose...
  17. Diddywahdiddy

    Sheep Show 2020

    I've already booked plane tickets and hotel-Peppermill is great and the shuttle is not one to make you waist time. Good times meeting and visiting with lots of folks. Plenty of booths to visit, the earlier days, especially Thursday, is better to talk serious sheep hunting and decide with whom...
  18. Diddywahdiddy

    Tipping a hunting guide

    Interesting comment...and I disagree ...Harry Middleton, author of "The Earth is Enough"....which won multiple awards and was a fav of McGuane/Chatham/Harrison...Middleton was one of our greatest sports/conservation writers a la...Tom McGuane-"An Outside Chance"..."Keep the Change"; Russell...
  19. Diddywahdiddy

    Tipping a hunting guide

    Wow. I've not hunted beyond North America...hope to make Kamchatka, Mongolia and Tajikistan before my knees wear out. I've lost count after over 40 guided hunts, not as many these days but in the past 20 years...there was one year-elk in 16A NM, elk/mule deer/antelope area 7 WY, Rocky Man...
  20. Diddywahdiddy

    Close to booking first sheep hunt-anything I am forgetting??

    1. By that time, temps will obviously be lower, and the ram's coats will be thicker...if doing a full-body mount the "feathering" on the legs is really cool and the coats are impressive, as contrasted with the summer coats of rams taken in NWT in July/early August or Yukon early August. Herb...