14 NR Colorado Points



Jul 25, 2020
Yeah, seems like a lot of points to burn but definitely feels like no mans land...i will burn them somehow soon. I am mostly a meat hunter, have 1 really nice (to me) mature 6x6 to my name just under 300 i guess, taken on an epic hard diy hunt...wouldnt mind another chance at a big bull then back to cows and spikes and such and lots of good eating...


Mar 26, 2012
I have 14 points as well and decided to just go hunt this year as I get no closer in the unit I was chasing every year. I applied for a unit that takes far fewer points, but has decent elk numbers and lots of roadless areas. I will scout a few times this summer and head in with the pack string and make the most of it. From here on out, it will be 1-2 point units to just hunt more often.
Nov 16, 2023
Similar situation here. Will have 30 NR points to use next year. Thinking muzzle or early rifle in 61. Any thoughts?
Aug 10, 2015
I'm getting pretty fed up with CO. Two years ago I was told I had a 75% chance to draw with 25 NR points....and didn't. Last year I tried a different hunt with apparently the same odds.....nope! So here we go again 27 NR points trying a muzzy hunt this time. I'm prepared this time to not get my tag, but hope I'm wrong.

Good news is that there's only about 1000 other non-residents with more points than you have...

Have you been checking the draw recaps, or going off info from another party?

The "odds" are only based off what happened in the previous year(s). There's no telling when and where other applicants will drop in. If you applied for the 61 muzzleloader tag, 3/7 non-residents drew at your point level last year. On the other hand, any of the 1-4 rifle season tags would almost be guaranteed. For reference, in 2023, there were 297 NR with 27 points. Nine of them drew tags.

I just sent my buddy a screenshot of someone who applied for a cow tag with 19 points. That tag had over 800 leftovers.

For what it's worth, I applied with 9 resident points and figure my odds are a little worse than a coin flip.


Aug 26, 2021
I put in with 14 NR points this year for a rifle tag that could be drawn with far fewer points in years past. My vacation time lines up perfectly this year, so, with no hope of ever drawing a better rifle hunt, I decided to quit putting it off. While I hope to shoot a nice 6x6, I'll be happy to tag a smaller bull later in the hunt. I've killed some elk, but this year will be my first solo pack out (hopefully). I look forward to enjoying the experience, and will try not to judge the success of the hunt by the size of the antlers. Even a small bull elk is a heck of a lot bigger than a big whitetail buck. Best of luck in the draw and this fall everybody!