1st goat hunt

Mar 15, 2014
I finally got some time to post a quick story and some pics.
First of all I'd like to thank Luke, Trent and all the others that offered advice. It was very helpful and appreciated.
I'd like to say I came home with a big old billy, but due to a lot of rookie mistakes I didn't.
Day 1: We made it from Palmer to Homer.
Day 2: On the ferry from Homer to Kodiak.
Day 3: We got our first taste of the terrain with packs full of gear filled with five days worth of supplies. The route that I chose had some unexpected detours, due to impassable ravines and gullies. After skirting the canyons which required a lot more fighting through the life sucking alders, we finally made it above treeline ( It probably took about twice as long as it would most of you guys, due to inexperience in this terrain and too many cheeseburgers:eek:)
Day 4: The first morning of actual hunting, I made a huge mistake, I passed up a real nice blacktail buck, because I thought I should concentrate on goat first, besides I'd get more opportunities later, right? WRONG! I never saw another shooter buck the whole trip. No goats today either.
Day 5: Spotted some goats, nice nannies with quite a few kids. Spotted some billies, too far and unapproachable due to the cliffs. At least we're seeing goats!(First ever while hunting!)
Day 6: We hiked to a saddle and spotted some goats in nearby bluffs and across the main canyon. I then spotted a lone goat and thought I needed to get closer to, because it must be a Billy (another mistake). When we got to the spot the goat was gone, but as we were leaving we ran right into him on the ridge line. When I topped the ridge I couldn't spot him until he was headed for some cliffs on the other side.The goat was still by himself and from above the goat looked pretty good. I talked myself into taking the shot if a good one was presented before he was out of sight or reached an area that we couldn't retrieve him. The shot was great and dropped him in his tracks.
When I got to the goat I was a bit disappointed in myself.( Don't get me wrong she's a beautiful critter and I'm super thankful for the opportunity to hunt Mt. Goat and be successful.) He is a she and she is not nearly as big as I talked myself into believing. After pics, we skinned and packed the hide and meat back to spike camp.
Day 6-7: We spent the next two days glassing goats, learning the country and practicing judging goats(Nannies/Billies, Big/Not So Big etc.) During that time I realized that I'd forgot half of what I'd been told( Be patient, don't rush a decision or shot, let the right goat get in the right spot, there most likely will be more chances, weather permitting etc. Most of all I had an attitude adjustment. I realized I fell short of my goal, but what the heck, I was living a dream! I was on The Rock with great friends, I had a goat, with a perfect hide and great meat. I tested myself both mentally and physically on the pack in and out, and I won! (I'll be in better shape next time:)). Besides, now I have an excuse to go back and get a billy!
After the pack out, which seemed grueling with the goat and my gear( the route was better though!) It started to rain, right as we unloaded our packs. Up until then the weather had been perfect.
Day 8: We checked the goat in and finally got to meet up with a friend, that I found out lived in Kodiak. With his advise we decided to try for deer again and hiked back into a different spot. We only saw does and small bucks again, but we did locate a bunch more goats that were a little farther in, but not many alders to fight through.(for next time).
Day 9: The weather went from bad to worse and we couldn't see 50 yards, so the decision was made to pack out and try our hand at fishing for silvers' the last few days.
Day 10-12: We slayed the silvers' every day and caught/released pinks and chums as well. We ended up with a cooler full of goat meat and another full of salmon fillets. We had a great trip and made memories to last a life time. I hope to be back soon to try out my new judging skills!:)Kodiak, AK 2014 180.jpgKodiak, AK 2014 168.jpgKodiak, AK 2014 119.jpgKodiak, AK 2014 075.jpg
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Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
Congratulations on a great trip ! You got a goat and that's one more goat than most everyone else is ever going to get. I like the w ell rounded aspects of goat hunting , deer hunting , and salmon fishing. Sounds like a super good time to me.


Feb 25, 2012
Conrats! At least you got to go goat hunting. BTW that is not a bad looking goat! Bigger than any I have shot which is 0! I don't think you could ask for a whole lot more. Cast and blast with friends sounds like fun to me!

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Awesome stuff man!! Congrats to you! Like I told ya a couple months ago, you got yourself a mountain goat, the only person that needs to be happy with it is you. You had an awesome trip on many different levels! I was happy to help any way I could, but in the end it comes down to you and hiking up the mountain to get it done, which you did. Hats off to ya man!
Mar 15, 2014
Thanks everyone, for the kind words. It was a great trip! What cool critters goats are! It's amazing where they go. The hair and wool on the hide is unreal. I can't wait to get back and try it again, now that we have a little experience.
Thank goodness for relatives that are willing to spend their valuable time off, wandering around AK with me, otherwise It would still be just a dream. Sometime in the near future I'd like to get a grizzly/Brown Bear. I've been with my brother-in-law when he took a nice grizzly,(we were caribou hunting) but I haven't had the opportunity for one yet.


Sep 22, 2014
Nice looking goat! Looks like some amazing country to go walking around and you got to hunt and fish while there. Alaska, like Africa, is a place you may never hunt but if you do hunt there then most likely you will not hunt there only once. Congrats and thanks for posting the story and the pictures.
Oct 14, 2014
Wow, sounds like you had an amazing time and that you learnt heaps. Good luck with your prep for the next one, I bet you are planning already.

Good luck

Ragged Horn
Mar 15, 2014
Thanks all, I can't wait to go back and try it again. Kodiak was a blast! I feel super lucky to get to go hunting there and to get a chance to get a goat and bring one home is like a dream. As a kid I'd sit for hours reading and dreaming about hunting and trapping AK, but I never really thought I'd get the opportunities I get now!