2016 shot show

We met Ryan down on Fremont Street last night and found him with this guy in a mankini. Glad I got there before something bad happened
That feller with the guitar is definitely going ultralight on gear. Got a buddy that has been trying to market that 'bare' camo but I don't think it's panning out. ....
Pretty sure gear head was not there. They are most all friends I grew up with. The shop is half hour away and I still have really only shot it a few times. That sounds kind of bad as the bow really is good and feels really good. I shot one of the earliest ones and still just like a little more ata and I have a very short draw. From this really early model they did charge strings and couple small things.
The strings they now use where suggested from a local shop which the owner who does well on the national level suggested they use. He is a hoyt guy but does really like the feel and things about the gear head bow. I do think they did need the longer ata like the t24 for a better fit for you long draw people and to add to stability. There back pack idea I told the main money guy it makes more sense for a mid west whitetail guy then western hunters who are packing in fur hunts. Some of this might be typed messy from my phone.