2019 Buck


Dec 1, 2018
Thunder Bay, Ontario
I was finally able to get my 2019 buck home across the border into Canada, after he enjoyed a short stay at a friends place in Minnesota. This was our first antelope hunt, and our first time really looking at a lot of antelopes. I had decided before the trip that I liked the look of a wider V and decently thick bases vs really tall upright goat with longer horns, just personal preference. I wasn't worried about scoring, more about the aesthetic that I thought looked cool. Luckily my wife spotted this guy bedded with a doe on public land on our way back to camp after a day exploring the far corners of the unit. We did see one bigger buck, which walked up within 100 yards of us while we were dressing out a doe, he seemed pretty curious about what we were up to. I had left my rifle back in case in the truck, but regardless, that was a cool animal to get a close up look at.

We caped this guy out at camp and took him to Living Legends Taxidermy in Casper the next day. I'm super happy with how he turned out. Can't wait to get back out there.

Yea it took a little longer than originally expected due to shutdowns at the tanneries, shortage of forms etc. Then it spent a while at my buddies place. He enjoyed having it around to play a game of "guess what's in the box" with guests. Makes it all the nicer to have it home now.