2020 fitness goals

Great job guys! I only managed 112 running miles, quite a bit behind pace. Wife is still layed up with her shattered ankle, but we got surgery taken care of and shes mending, so I am finally able to get out for some longer runs. Got a bunch of calisthenics done this month, but ate like crap and still floating around 206.

I'm as ready as possible for Murph tomorrow, but I'm going to have to use a resistance band for assisted pull ups, so I'll end up chalking it up as a fail most likely. Gonna keep at it though, and try once/month until I can put up a respectable time!
Everytime I look at my garmin insights on garmin connect and see this graph I think of you, @Ross. You are in that top 1 percent that gains more elevation than me. Nice work! If there ever comes a day when I hike more than I run I might be close to your elevation numbers, maybe...

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thanks @twall13 the one thing I can still do very well is hike uphill, sadly due to a long history with one knee no running for decades so needed something for very good conditioning with shorter duration and that is going uphill🤩 keep up the grind and stacking the miles👍
I'll jump on board and do the murph monthly. I guess I should add that my time above was without a weight vest and I did it with 20 sets of 15 squats, 10 pushups, 5 pullups.

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Murph was humbling. In an hour and a half I got the two 1 mile runs done and 240 squats, 140 push ups, and 70 assisted pull ups. I was beat, mentally and physically. I quit, took the wife to pick up our groceries and ate a quick bite.

When we got back home it started nagging at me that I was so close, so it took another half hour but I finished the rest of the reps and immediately went out for a 10 mile run for my scheduled training. Slow, but I was expecting that after everything else this morning and yesterday (14 mile trail run). Its definitely an eye-opening failure on the Murph, but I'm glad I at least got the reps in.

Definitely in for the once-a-month Murph, I want to see how much I can improve this year.


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I am doing it monthly as well and will join you.
January- 49:03 with the vest
Murph was humbling. In an hour and a half I got the two 1 mile runs done and 240 squats, 140 push ups, and 70 assisted pull ups. I was beat, mentally and physically. I quit, took the wife to pick up our groceries and ate a quick bite.

When we got back home it started nagging at me that I was so close, so it took another half hour but I finished the rest of the reps and immediately went out for a 10 mile run for my scheduled training. Slow, but I was expecting that after everything else this morning and yesterday (14 mile trail run). Its definitely an eye-opening failure on the Murph, but I'm glad I at least got the reps in.

Definitely in for the once-a-month Murph, I want to see how much I can improve this year.
Ouch, I couldn't imagine going for a long run after. My legs felt like they weighed 100# each on the 2nd mile... Nice work getting it all done!
How are guys holding up? In the last 2 months I haven't been keeping the greatest diet (I'll tell you the dating scene can really slow a diet down) and really haven't lost much weight. I was doing well with my lifting routine and following Jeremy Ethier's A & B rotation until the weather got nice enough to want to get outside. Last week I had a BIG OOPS while deadlifting. I was trying to sneak 1 more rep and rushed the lift and tweaked my back. Haven't been able to lift since and my cario has also majorly suffered.
Was down to like 190 from 220 before last elk season. Noticed I was getting fat again and went back on keto. Was at 214. Week 4 and I am at 201.

Targeting 180 mark by elk season.

Continue to hike up and down hills 3 days a week. I can certainly feel myself getting stronger and being less winded.

Once summer hits I’ll continue 3 days of hiking and add 2 days of running bleachers for 45 minutes.

This worked well for me last year. Going to add to it as I go to be ready for idaho in September.

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another month down, pretty happy with 169 miles (455 for the year), many of those on snowshoes

my strength training had been going really well, until mid month when the gyms were shut down :(

I have done 3 half “Murph’s”, will get a full one in April

Highlight of the month was a three day/two night snowshoe trip into the Bob Marshall Wilderness

Hope everyone is healthy and safe!


This month was not my best. 123 mi, 4800ft of gain.

Really didn't think this Covid stuff was going to affect my attitude/motivation, but it really did.

On a positive note, this month I had my personal best half marathon at 1:55 and managed a 20 mile run with no pain/soreness, so at least I haven't lost a bunch of fitness.

Making slow progress with pull ups, but it's progress.

Gotta lose weight...........
Nice job guys. Here's my March report for the year so far:

Running Miles- 294
Hiking Miles- 40
Mtn Biking Miles- 23
Total Trail Miles- 357 of 1400 goal
Total Elevation Gain- 46,700 of 175,000 goal

It was nice to put a few easy mountain bike miles into the mix this month. I may even get ahead of pace for the year over the next few months if I keep adding a quick ride in once or twice per week. It's nice that I have a fun little mountain bike track just down the road to do a few loops here and there at night.

I also did another Murph on Saturday, 34:19 for my unweighted time this month which as slightly faster than last month and cramp free this time. I feel pretty good about that time. I honestly don't have a desire to push myself to do a Murph any faster but I'd like to get to a point where I'm not sore for 5 days afterwards while still posting a time somewhere close to 35 minutes.

I'm very happy that my regular exercises of choice can all be done while complying with social distancing. Stay safe out there everyone.

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The Covid-19 stuff messed with me also. Threw off my routine, prevented biking to work, which is a significant chunk of miles. Oh well, time to overcome the excuses. Still happy with things so far.

Yearly miles - 388

EDIT: I realized those were only running miles. Total = 453

The vast majority are running, with some biking as well. Mixing in trail runs as the trails dry out.
Still at 2x per week with weights and 2x with body weight.

5,180 pushups, those have been easy to maintain.

This is off-pace for the mileage goal, but that's OK. Will have to readjust everything to what appears to be the new reality for at least the medium term.
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