AMR side strap slipping?

Jan 23, 2014
John Day, OR
I called in a bull for a friend yesterday morning (last day of the season!) and we packed for many hours yesterday.
On my last load, one of the side straps on the AMR wouldn't stay tight. I'd tighten it down and it would slip right away.

Do I need to replace the buckle on that one? Is this a common issue? I hope I don't have to convert all the buckles to auto lock style. Maybe it was just a weird issue and won't happen again. Strange that it was only one buckle slipping. Anyone have this happen and find a fix?
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I've had regular buckles act like that when put (cinched down) in a funny way or too close to an angle that promoted slipping. I swapped all my buckles to auto-locks and haven't looked back. Run them on all my strap/buckle areas now.

molon labe
+1 on the auto lock buckles, they are the way to go. I would recommend taking a couple extra auto locks with you on the mountain as well... I broke the locking part on one and without that it won't really function at all especially with a load.
Kind of hijacking the thread but Regarding an AMR if you wanted say 2 compression straps to go around the bag for strapping a bow in would this be done?

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The AMR already has two hroizantal compression straps. Add a lash kit and the several attachment points on the bag and/or frame makes 3 a breeze.
If im correct the existing horizontals are only on the sides tbought right? So a lashing kit would add two horizontals that conoletely wrap around to strap in a bow?

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I used the bottom two compression straps that go under the AMR and then added one additional strap that just went across the pack from side to side, using the MOLLE tabs that would allow you to put pockets on the side. Worked well!
Kind of hijacking the thread but Regarding an AMR if you wanted say 2 compression straps to go around the bag for strapping a bow in would this be done?

I run an AMR and use the Grab-It 2 and the strap that is included with it to lash my bow to the pack. Works great and holds other stuff (bugle tube, jacket, etc) as well. You can run it backwards behind the bag when not in use. I thought I'd rarely use it but it is pretty handy.