any recovering sugar addicts here?


Sep 11, 2013
man, i have a sweet tooth. substituting a candy bar or cookie with a wedge of apple puts me in a sour (<--hey, a pun!) mood.

i gotta cut it out. i think it would do my body mucho good. i know i cannot avoid it 100%. there seems to be sugar in everything. even some of my favorite savory things (bbq, and korean food, hell even sushi)

so i am trying to hatch a plan to stop eating blatant refined sugar things. cake, pie, cookies, candy, etc. no more sugary drinks. i think the drinks will be easy to kick. the snacks will be a challenge.

any tips? i'm gonna give the wait staff that ask, "would you like to see a dessert menu" the middle finger. politely of course..hehe.
Some things that help me stay away from sugar and cokes:

Flavored carbonated water
Any 0g cal soda, like diet Pepsi (still has tons of crap in it, but no sugar)
Protein shakes (I pretend they are milkshakes)
Low sugar protein bars (I have some Lemon Cream Pie ones that only have 1g sugar)
Beef Jerky (I know it's not a substitute, but when I start chewing on something I forget about my cravings. Same with Bubble Gum)
Bake stuff with Truvia instead of sugar, tons of good recipes out there. Try making your own protein bars.

Very hard, it's a daily struggle with me too.. I think in general just try to eat stuff with natural sugar in it, like yogurt with real fruit in it or put honey in tea or on cereal or something.

Good luck!
I have been pretty diligent about trying to avoid highly processed food lately, including refined sugar. It's amazing what food products commercial food processors will sneak sugar and high fructose corn syrup into...everything from crackers, bread and buns, to condiments, to lunchmeat. The list goes on and on. I have been trying to make most of my own food at home instead of buying prepackaged stuff lately, and not using any refined sugar at all but instead honey and maple syrup. Before too long things start tasting sweeter than they would have before.
The trick is to basically eliminate the sweets. A little bit of sugar leads to more cravings. When I slip up it's hard to get the control back. I'm working on my diet now that I'm back home. I use stevia in my coffee and the pink poison in my tea. The rest is water and whole foods. I do keep a Cadbury bar in the fridge thats broken into little pieces that I nibble on. My goal for that is to make it last a week. Avoiding sugar and salt is next to impossible if you eat out or buy anything processed.
From my experience it's all about time. Diet change is hard and takes time to get used to it. It sucks bottom line, just gotta deal with it and after time it gets habitual and much easier. Cravings do eventually go away, but you gotta struggle through it. For lots of people food cravings are no easier to quit than tobacco, alcohol, but you can do it just hold strong bud.
From my experience it's all about time. Diet change is hard and takes time to get used to it. It sucks bottom line, just gotta deal with it and after time it gets habitual and much easier. Cravings do eventually go away, but you gotta struggle through it. For lots of people food cravings are no easier to quit than tobacco, alcohol, but you can do it just hold strong bud.

hey, you live in Roseville. crazy that restaurant guy disappeared from your community.

i am in concord. i just visited that Roseville butcher. i might go and buy a turkey from them. great little town. far so good today. wife tossed all the cookies into the garbage. i am gonna taper back my meat intake as well. just some small portions of lean lean protein. getting my fat ass up the mountains is getting challenging. (im not that fat..big boned, really)

i quit drinking pretty easily. i'm not an alchololic, but i was getting weird blood test from my liver. had to stop it. sugar might be my biggest challenge. meat, a close second. good thing i am a sucky hunter.:D
Which bucher? Roseville meat Co? Do you come all the way to Roseville from Concord to get a turkey or do you have peoples here? Good job on the sugar today, keep at it! Not having it at hand will help, tell the wifey good job.
Which bucher? Roseville meat Co? Do you come all the way to Roseville from Concord to get a turkey or do you have peoples here? Good job on the sugar today, keep at it! Not having it at hand will help, tell the wifey good job.

i was visiting a bud in Newcastle. then i stopped by Wilderness Archery, which is hit or miss. this visit..miss. hehe.

i wanted to buy Goat meat, and roseville meat company had some. the shop with a red cow out front. you know they butcher wild game right? i never got a chance to ask "how much?"

you going to hunt Lake Sonoma next week?
Ya, they have some good stuff in there. I only used them once a long time ago for a deer so I'm not sure their price on game either.
Lake Sonoma? For pigs? No, have never been there, but have heard quite a bit about it. I usually go behind Campfar West and Redbluff for pigs.
I have a serious coke problem! (the soda of course) I try but man its tough! And lets not start with chocolate, its a really good thing all the halloween candy is gone. Usually the more I work out the better I am about my diet, so I guess I should start working out again!
I have a terrible sweet tooth. Sugar is no different than alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. I really hate it this weakness. The funny thing is I don't touch sweets all day but after dinner it is like clockwork. My craving kicks in. I have been like this my whole life. I thought I would out grow my addiction but not yet. As I sit here writing this I have not had the urge. One thing I have noticed is if I workout to the point of total exhaustion I tend to lose the urge.
I have a terrible sweet tooth. Sugar is no different than alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. I really hate it this weakness. The funny thing is I don't touch sweets all day but after dinner it is like clockwork. My craving kicks in. I have been like this my whole life. I thought I would out grow my addiction but not yet. As I sit here writing this I have not had the urge. One thing I have noticed is if I workout to the point of total exhaustion I tend to lose the urge.

You just described my brother. Lol!

So far so good for me. Eating fruit instead of cake.