Anybody listen to the latest Gritty Bowmen sales, I mean podcast

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Apr 2, 2016
When Brian first started doing the Gritty Bowmen he had some great topics and didn't do that many sales pitches, which was nice but recently it seems a little watered down. I appreciate his insight on fitness and I agree with some, He's built and in great shape that's for sure. As far as the Bluetooth thing goes I think each person will look at it a different way. He doesn't like rifle hunting and that tends to be my favorite due to time restraints I have. His podcast about his wife really struck home and was a GREAT podcast. That's real raw emotion. My wife is tested x2 a year for breast cancer due to strong family history and I appreciated the honesty he showed. When Aron is on and goes through gear setups, favorites shelters, boots, etc. those tend to be my favorite. He pushes MT ops or at least he did in the past. I've tried them all and they don't compare to ones I've used in the past. Only reason I would use them is they donate money to hungry children. Lastly, He did a phenomenal job of pushing first lite last year before Sitka hooked them. He seems like a great dude and is just trying to make a living by what he talks about and pitches on his podcast. Like others have said, we can either tune in or tune out.


Mar 9, 2012
North Dakota
I love the podcast but don't agree with everything they say. Hell I don't agree with everything that comes out of my own mouth sometimes. I will continue to support them as they support public lands and DIY hunting. All I ask is that we get some more of the Gritty Scotsman.


Jun 19, 2013
Just to clarify, bluetooth can have a range of 100 yards. But, it depends on the transmitter and the information being transmitted. You probably aren't going to get hi-def audio to BT headphones at that range but a small package of info like a locating ping can be transmitted in the right conditions. While completely different tech, think of it similar to the inReach satellite communicators that can only send a minimal amount of information.

I don't know that I'd use them but I actually think it's a very interesting solution to a common problem. That is unless you've never lost an arrow.

I do often wonder if everyone that is so against new technology is still hunting with a trad bow they carved from a hickory tree with arrows fletched with real feathers and an obsidian arrow head. I probably don't even need to mention everything else like clothes, packs, shelters, sleep system, cook system, boots, rangefinder, binos, GPS, food, etc. etc. etc.
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Sep 27, 2016
Not sure they would be all that helpful hunting, but it would sure be nice to recover the MANY arrows lost to 3D courses over the years. Hell those savings alone could pay for a new bow or pig hunt.

I don't know about the whole bad shot thing. With a 100 yard range max (and he said even that was in ideal conditions) I think the idea that it will help recover animals from poor shots are low.
Maybe you find the arrow and that offers some clues but I think they would be over selling it as an animal recovery tool. (Not saying they were, but they certainly tap danced around the idea).

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Apr 5, 2015
I like their podcast and have tried a number of products they recommend. I am rocking a bow sight that Brian recommended and he personally responded to my email questions twice with his thoughts on the sight vs some others. Aron is a stand up dude and when I stopped by Kifaru he spent a bunch of time talking through pack fitting and measuring me up. Now I am not sure why I had to be naked during the whole thing or why he needed to measure my inseam so many times but he is the expert so whatever (<<<<I might have made some of that up).

For the record, I own some first lite and Sitka stuff, a pair of crispi boots, that apex bowsight, tried some mountain ops, a ton of Kifaru stuff, a hamskea arrow rest, and probably a bunch of other stuff they have suggested.

Point is, they are making a living doing something they love. They are putting out interesting content and some good information on hunting and hunting gear in a format I find interesting and entertaining. Podcasting is an advertiser supported medium so there is going to be some promotion mixed in with the messages. It happens everywhere. Nobody really thinks steph curry feels like underarmour are the best shoes in the world or begrudges celebrities who make the rounds on the talk shows right before their movies come out. Product placement is part of the business that surrounds the sport we all love.

Now there is a balance and I hope they don't go full Ted Nugent and fill every nook and cranny of their show with shilling products. I will continue to listen and enjoy their podcast and am happy to try out some of the stuff they recommend. In the meantime, I commend them on their success so far and look forward to where the take it from here.


Nov 21, 2015
Billy Bob Thorton said sometimes you have to make a space movie to make a living.

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les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI

  • 1.
    a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"she had to do a lot of smiling in her business"

    synonyms:work, line of work, occupation, profession, career, employment, job, position; More

  • 2.
    the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the world of business"

    ^^^^^Seems pretty simple to me. When you guys go to work, you do what your JOB requires correct? Otherwise you don't have a job or a paycheck, correct? Have any of you offered to pay to listen to the podcast? Nope, it's free. Why is it free? Because of people who PAY to sponsor it.

    Again, seems pretty simple to me. If you don't like it, don't listen. I'm sure if you all want to fill Brian, Aron, and the Rokslide forums in on your job duties and details we could all critique it for you. This isn't Archery Talk keep it that way



Jun 18, 2014

  • 1.
    a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"she had to do a lot of smiling in her business"

    synonyms:work, line of work, occupation, profession, career, employment, job, position; More

  • 2.
    the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the world of business"

    ^^^^^Seems pretty simple to me. When you guys go to work, you do what your JOB requires correct? Otherwise you don't have a job or a paycheck, correct? Have any of you offered to pay to listen to the podcast? Nope, it's free. Why is it free? Because of people who PAY to sponsor it.

    Again, seems pretty simple to me. If you don't like it, don't listen. I'm sure if you all want to fill Brian, Aron, and the Rokslide forums in on your job duties and details we could all critique it for you. This isn't Archery Talk keep it that way

No, I own my business so I get to decide how much to leverage my content (which benefits my customer) with selling(which benefits me). Employees do what they're told, business owners get to decide. If I put my benefit ahead of the customer, I lose business. Neither can I ignore my needs. It has to be a balance, as has been stated.

I would really like to have customer feedback like this. I think it's valuable. Helps the owner find that balance and make sure that he or she doesn't overly leverage the customer base.

And absolutely more of the Scottsman!

les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI
You obviously don't know Brian or Aron, if you did, you would understand they have already thought through who they decide to speak about and when. Go back and listen to the podcast that explains this already. Again if you don't like it don't listen. Simple.

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Dec 7, 2015
Just wipe those years away with your GB tee shirt. It will be ok. I'm sure they are adults who can use and/or discard feedback according to their needs.

Save the childish jabs for another forum. It's fully possible to have a discussion on controversial subjects without the snide comments.

les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI
Save the childish jabs for another forum. It's fully possible to have a discussion on controversial subjects without the snide comments.

You are correct, but for some people it is not possible, lol. They eventually show their true colors.
Sep 23, 2016
I would really like to have customer feedback like this. I think it's valuable. Helps the owner find that balance and make sure that he or she doesn't overly leverage the customer base.

I don't really see you as a customer if it's a free product, more like a beneficiary. There's a paid agreeement between GB and their sponsors... it's that simple, in order for this product to be free it has to be that way. If they were selling you this product than your entire post would be accurate but your just one of thousands that gets a benefit from this review, so why complain.

thats coming from someone that hasn't listened to a GB podcast in probably a year. I could care less about the GB or the debate going on in regards to products they should vs shouldn't be promoting but when ungrateful individuals whine about how much something sucks when they aren't paying for it, it hits a nerve. I went through the same thing with my kids when they were in pre-school and the self-entitlement they were showing at the time. I don't have time to listen to product reviews constantly or I don't care that much about gear... however I do applaud them for finding a way to make a living at this and if I ever do have interest in a product they're promoting I'll likely listen.

I kind of see this like walking into a grocery store and there's employees handing out free samples of various food products. If the pizza sample sucks I don't throw it back in their face and tell them they need to do a better job..... I politely thank them and I simply don't buy that pizza.
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Oct 6, 2016
Prescott, AZ
307- It is important to note a few things-

Brian and the G Team are endorsing products they see some benefit in... This is far different than the relationship one enjoys with the pro down at the bow shop- who is at the sales level. They have made you aware of a new product you can now ask your salesman about... It is a salesman's job to manage expectations and know his customer...

Further, the G-Team are under contract to use these products. Are they going to screw up a season or two of hunting because of an extra few dollars endorsing a new knock? Also, they have built up a strong following and every decision they now make has ramifications across all of their deals... Nothing is endorsed without careful consideration of first the listener and then other endorsees. Their compensation is a component in the decision process (as it should be) but it pales in comparison to the top two or three.

Finally, it is ultimately up to the end user whether to purchase or not. How many arrows am I loosing? What is the return policy if I find this doesn't work? If you buy a product you own the decision. Let's not kill the messenger for making us aware of a new product.


Jul 12, 2012
Everyone uses some form of technology one way or another. And there are people who will abuse it one way or another. Should we ban range finders just because some jack a$$ has one and thinks he can make longer shots with any weapon he happens to be carrying at the time.

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Apr 27, 2015
Interesting discussion, and a lot of input on the topic. Just for clarification, is all of the commentary about the product (Bluetooth nock) being a suspect piece of equipment, or that GB is promoting it? Glossing over the comments, it seemed like the topic was a moving target at times....I like the viewpoints, regardless.

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Brian's making a living just like the rest of us. I'll give him a break just for that. The world of sponsors isn't always fun and games, but without them there would be no podcasts, hunting forums, or many of the things we enjoy.
States can ban these products if they choose. Idaho already has in a sense as they don't allow electronics on archery equipment


Mar 18, 2012
Tulsa, OK
Brian's making a living just like the rest of us. I'll give him a break just for that. The world of sponsors isn't always fun and games, but without them there would be no podcasts, hunting forums, or many of the things we enjoy.
States can ban these products if they choose. Idaho already has in a sense as they don't allow electronics on archery equipment

My position also. He has to pay the bills, hopefully they stay grounded.
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