Anything I can do? Hunter Harassment?

I'd leave him completely alone - he has already shown you what he thinks of your hunting. To further pursue him is gonna piss him off.

You've already talked with him, what's breakfast or lunch or even drinks gonna do? Answer is no and he spent X hours building a wall to confirm his stance. That's what telling him where the deer come & go did.

You can open a hole in his wall and have a serious hunting funnel. Shoot em as soon as they get thru it so they run the other way.

Most folks don't really care for hunting, or they'd do it. Some dislike it - as this guy apparently does.
You can still share a meal with someone who you disagree with... It's impossible to tell "tone" and "opinions" on the internet or from one potentially heated conversation across a lot line... I promise, he'll be just fine, and maybe even grow as a person from it. The guy will likely say "no" anyway but the neighborly thing to do is to extend the olive branch just about every time.
You can still share a meal with someone who you disagree with... It's impossible to tell "tone" and "opinions" on the internet or from one potentially heated conversation across a lot line... I promise, he'll be just fine, and maybe even grow as a person from it. The guy will likely say "no" anyway but the neighborly thing to do is to extend the olive branch just about every time.
My folks have 10 acres in VT - the neighbors on all 4 sides (200, 60, 5, and about 5,000 acre size parcels) have rescinded hunting rights over the past 25 years. I grew up hunting grouse, hares, and deer all over them mtns, now can't hunt off dad's land... Those folks don't even hunt, just don't want folks around - even folks they've known for 40+ years.

That's the same kind of response the man has physically shown. He built a fricking wall and you are gonna talk him down? LoL! Leave him be.
The goal isn't to talk him down, you completely missed the point. No worries.
My folks have 10 acres in VT - the neighbors on all 4 sides (200, 60, 5, and about 5,000 acre size parcels) have rescinded hunting rights over the past 25 years. I grew up hunting grouse, hares, and deer all over them mtns, now can't hunt off dad's land... Those folks don't even hunt, just don't want folks around - even folks they've known for 40+ years.

That's the same kind of response the man has physically shown. He built a fricking wall and you are gonna talk him down? LoL! Leave him be.
Picture a square parcel with a house smack in the middle. Then a line coming from one side of the house perpendicular to the square sides. Thats what he did with the wall

Do the properties lay out in a manner that deer travel might just re-route to a different part of the parcel you have access to hunt?
Do the properties lay out in a manner that deer travel might just re-route to a different part of the parcel you have access to hunt?
Doesn't seem that way but maybe since he completed it this year things will change next year. We'll see, only thing I've learned out of this is in suburban areas keep hunting secret unless you absolutely need to mention it.
Maybe for the fourth of July you should strategically shoot some bottle rockets and Roman candles into that brush pile...
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The goal isn't to talk him down, you completely missed the point. No worries.
No, it's to become "buddies" to get friendly and comfortable with each other.

You and I could come to an agreement. I can't come to an agreement with my dad's neighbors, even tho i've known em for 40 years. They'll come over in the middle of the night to change a tire but won't allow hunting. Just how it is.
It's in the original post and its not 400 yards.
The 400 yards that applies in Michigan, was just an example. Generally, states set their own rules on fences. Pretty sure he's not hunting in Michigan (without rereading to check).
I had a guy that wanted to put up a ten-foot fence so the deer would not cross over on my brother's property. And this guy was a hunter. I must say he just took the fun out of the hunt. my brother finally sold him the land. I got a call the night before opener from the realtor that a purchased offer was signed, and part of that agreement is I would not hunt there this season. First time I ever been kicked off land the guy didn't even own yet. anyways I don't think it hunter harassment. Just another NY A**hole. we have a bunch of them.
add some more sticks and have a natural blind. then when he comes out to yell, offer him a cup of coffee and tell him to whisper so as not to alert the deer.
you could also just call the town and complain about the unsightly pile of crap in the woods, that will solve the problem quietly. for future reference, retrieving game is not trespassing and a landowner cannot interfere with such action. if one does, call the DEC and they will handle that person appropriately. so basically, keep quiet until there's a real problem.