Archery shot placement

Feb 23, 2018
Thought it would be fun to start a thread showing pictures of Elk/Deer at various hypothetical shot angles and distances and see where different people like to aim. Some will be simple, some will be hard. I will list a shot distance / scenario with the given photo. Keep in mind these are archery shots. factor in your shooting ability and decide shoot or pass.

I'll post a blank picture of an elk or a deer, if it's a shot you would take, copy the picture to your desktop add a mark using paint etc where you would aim then re upload the picture to this thread.

If there is a shot you are not comfortable with, just say pass and why. Everyone's shooting ability is different and everyone draws a different line on what shots they are comfortable taking and what shots they are not comfortable with. No ethics police.

So here is Picture 1. Scenario: were starting out simple, bull is 25 yards. Bull is occupied chasing cows, he is not alert, he stopped on his own. Shoot or Pass? elkD1.jpg
shoot him if hes legal...any dead elk is a good elk
Read the instructions..
This is not an "is he big enough thread" the focus for this thread is strictly on shot placement. Would you take the shot? And where do you aim if you would.
cant get the picture to paint so i can put a red dot where your supposed to shoot the theres too many variables not accounted for...elevation differences between shooter and animal for one...changes shot placement...but i get the idea...i will follow and try to get photo editable...otherwise half way up the body 2 inches behind the crease of front shoulder

I’d prefer he had this side leg forward but 25 yards, I’d take this shot, that’s where I’m aiming

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Given the picture if I wasn't drawn back at this point I would wait. I wouldn't make the movement of drawing my bow with him looking my direction. I'd rather he get to 40 or 50 and not be looking at me to draw than to try to draw while he is looking my way.

Assuming I'm drawn back when this shot is presented I'm going straight up the back of the leg. Anywhere 1/2-1/3 of the way up his chest. At 25 yards I'm not being particular and shooting quickly. Soon as I settle in and the pin is where I want it I'm shooting. If he is chasing cows he isn't liable to stay still very long.
a few guys are catching on. If youre having trouble getting the picture into paint, try right clicking on the picture copy it, then open paint and paste it into paint sometimes that works over saving it to your desktop.

I understand that there are a lot of variables.. too many to list them all. Let's assume for this game just imagine that you are at full draw and the picture shown is the shot you are given.

Okay Here's round 2.
Scenario: bull is coming in bugling. wind is not ideal, it is quartering from your right to left, this bull is circling you and will catch your wind if he keeps angling the direction he is going. Ideal situation would be to wait for the bull to turn, but given the wind direction, your time to shoot may be ticking. The bull is at 37 yards. You're at full draw. You shooting or passing?
25 yards I'm sending an arrow right through the green in the golden triangle.


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a few guys are catching on. If youre having trouble getting the picture into paint, try right clicking on the picture copy it, then open paint and paste it into paint sometimes that works over saving it to your desktop.

I understand that there are a lot of variables.. too many to list them all. Let's assume for this game just imagine that you are at full draw and the picture shown is the shot you are given.

Okay Here's round 2.
Scenario: bull is coming in bugling. wind is not ideal, it is quartering from your right to left, this bull is circling you and will catch your wind if he keeps angling the direction he is going. Ideal situation would be to wait for the bull to turn, but given the wind direction, your time to shoot may be ticking. The bull is at 37 yards. You're at full draw. You shooting or passing?
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That is a big ass bull and I'm not referring to antlers lol. I would still be extremely hesitant on shooting at this angle, with him walking and it being 37 yards. And I'm shooting a 635 grain arrow with a single bevel at 265 fps. But if I had to shoot for the sake of the conversation it would be here.


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No way I aim that far back....if your arrow drifts back a little due to movement or it just happens- you get maybe one lung- BAD- or worse you gut shoot them. They can go a long way on one lung- beentherdonethat.
I shoot that bull in the collar in front of the shoulder through that hole in the rib cage.........assuming he is close and its a layup shot.

I think the animals awareness is an important distinction on the shot.
This bull won't react much to the shot if its close....just dropping his head a little is all.
The first bull is looking at you but body language indicates he isn't especially alarmed. Even then since he is aware I shoot a little lower than normal.
No way I aim that far back....if your arrow drifts back a little due to movement or it just happens- you get maybe one lung- BAD- or worse you gut shoot them.

Then don't let your arrow drift back.;)

Collar? Are we looking at the same picture? This isn't some straight on or even hard quartering to you bull. Shooting forward anywhere of where I marked doesn't even get to the vitals. Any further forward and you're on the knuckle, and forward of that is way in front of the lungs or anything else you want to hit.
I shot a bull in the same orientation as picture 2.
9 yards and just let the pin sit maybe an inch or two back of 5 miles dot, waiting for him to turn. Relaxed a tad too much and the Shot went off, and he was on the ground in less than 2 seconds. Fastest kill to date.
Prolly not shooting on walking at 37 regardless of body position but if he is stops for a moment I am shooting the exact same hair as 5Miles. That's clean double lung. If I was shooting that bull from the opposite orientation that is right where I would want the exit hole.
I shot a bull in the same orientation as picture 2. 9 yards and just let the pin sit maybe an inch or two back of 5 miles dot, waiting for him to turn. Relaxed a tad too much and the Shot went off, and he was on the ground in less than 2 seconds. Fastest kill to date.

This is almost exactly where I hit the bull in my avatar on a similar quartering to me shot, and bull was down and dead in 2.5 seconds.
#2 I’d pass, at that angle there’s a high likelihood you’re hitting shoulder. On top of that he’s moving and it’s 37 yards. I’d wait and hope he turns to leave and I get a shot.

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