ATA Show

Jan 28, 2012
Salt Lake City
Well ATA 2013 kicks off in a few days...Monday to be exact. Is there anyone that is going as a shop guy or anything? What all are people looking for?
I was going to go this year but I just don't have time right now to be gone that long...It's a fun event, normally ends with a nice hangover too, lol.

It'll be all business :) I had two beers all of last year. Doesn't do me any good talking to ppl hungover :) I caught Anthony Dixon that way last year at 1 pm!

What are all you guys looking for as far as upgrades equipment wise? Or what questions are out there about products?

Let's hear them.
Evan, you went out to easy then, lol...Last time I was there, the last night we were out to like 4:00am with the boys from Heartland Bowhunters, I was hungover for about a week after that, lol.
Rumor has it that CBE has some new sights coming out, or a re-work of the current lineup...I'd like to see some pics & specs on them. Any NEW limb driven rests would be cool...Maybe some new broadheads and whatever Dan Evans has at the TT booth.
I'd love to see someone come out with a dang 2 piece quiver that was super light weight and didn't cost an arm and a leg...Quiver prices have gotten flat out stupid the past few years. Snap some pics at the Hamskea booth, and make sure you have like a 10 hour conversation with Gillingham too, lol.
Just saying hi to Tim is a two hour conversation by itself. Tim is a talker, but that guy knows everything about archery.
Just saying hi to Tim is a two hour conversation by itself. Tim is a talker, but that guy knows everything about archery.
Yeah I know, I like Tim and he doesn't mind to have a little chit chat...Only problem with that is the dude is so smart about archery stuff you walk away with a killer headache, lol. I was in Utah back in '11 to shoot Bowcast @ the Bird and stopped by Gold Tip to see my buddy Taylor and ended up hanging out with Tim the whole time talking bows...Planned to stop by for a few mins and ended up being there half the day because I started BS'ing with Tim.
Cant really think of anything I am really excited for from the ATA. Equipment is so good right now it will take something special to really WOW me anymore.
I'd like to see a list of all the new broadheads coming out in Deep Six format this year. I have heard of several, but I would like to know a comprehensive list. I like the questions J-Daddy added--new limb driven rests, new light weight two piece quivers.
Maybe you should post up a new thread ATA Live? Post up every few hours maybe even a few pics to keep us daydreaming for the next week.
Cant really think of anything I am really excited for from the ATA. Equipment is so good right now it will take something special to really WOW me anymore.

X2.... It is tough sometimes to not indulge in new gear but i think gear the last couple years has reached the top level of its purpose.