Backcountry Muley Trail Cam Pictures


Oct 14, 2018
Sandpoint, ID
I left a cam out in the backcountry for a little over a year and captured some nice muley bucks and lots of other animals. Here are some of the better ones!


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Can I pick your brain?

I have a handful of cameras up on NF. I have found a few game trails and snagged a few photos of some does, but honestly I’m struggling with where to place them (seeing lots of sign).

They ain’t white tails and I can’t use a salt lick or anything. Any pointers on good spots to place???
Can I pick your brain?

I have a handful of cameras up on NF. I have found a few game trails and snagged a few photos of some does, but honestly I’m struggling with where to place them (seeing lots of sign).

They ain’t white tails and I can’t use a salt lick or anything. Any pointers on good spots to place???
I try to find routes that are higher usage, such as the area from the pictures, which has a lot of blowdowns in the surrounding area. There is a good trail in front of the camera where the deer navigate around and through the blowdowns so it puts more deer in front of the camera. This and look for rubs, there may not be bucks there now, but if there are old rubs and the does are there during or around the rut, the bucks will be there at some point. I have many cameras that will not get any bucks all summer, but there are a few does around, then when October hits, the bucks start showing up.
Can I pick your brain?

I have a handful of cameras up on NF. I have found a few game trails and snagged a few photos of some does, but honestly I’m struggling with where to place them (seeing lots of sign).

They ain’t white tails and I can’t use a salt lick or anything. Any pointers on good spots to place???

Can you not use salt due to baiting regulations?

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