Beef & Pork Fat

Aug 16, 2020
Hey All,

I've been successful the last few seasons but want to step it up and process my own animal this year. Where do people typically purchase beef or pork fat?
I've never purchased plain "fat", but I've added ground pork, or fatty chops as well as the high fat content ground beef to my venison as it goes through the grinder. Typically this is only for my sausage. I have no problem with a medium rare venison burger- nice and juicy and doesn't need the fat.
Any grocery store which processes their own meat on site will have fat (tallow). Just ask the meat counter and they can save some for you.
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One thing that really helps out the process when you are grinding is making sure your meat cubes and fat are cold. Put them in the freezer, you don't need to freeze them solid but get them firm. They will grind alot better.
Butcher shops are the best sources for scrap beef and pork fat. In a pinch you could use a fatty cut of pork like Boston butt if you can pick it up for sub $1/lb prices.
If you call a butcher shop be prepared to pay for the fat you want. Most of us have to pay to dispose of it. So, I’m not going to give it away when there is a chance to make a little bit of money. Even grocery stores are saving their trimmings now and packaging them for sale.
Most of the processors plan for this, some will have it ground through the large diameter plate, makes it easier to mix in quickly.

I’d call around to the smaller shops, if it’s in a solid hunting area they will be prepared, it’s free money from something they’d likely be tossing otherwise.

We always had it in 10lb bags frozen, ready to go out the door.
From my experience local grocery charges for beef fat, they did not offer pork fat. I get pork fat now from a butcher when my friends/family have a pig processed. I'd suggest finding someone you know that's having that done and ask them to have the butcher save the fat for you. I've found most folks are delighted to get even more use out of the animal they are paying for.
I’ll do about 10% beef fat. I call up the local grocery store that has a good meat department and ask if they’re cutting beef that day. The guy behind the counter is a hunter and saves me all the trim from the NYs and ribeyes, 99 cents a pound.
What others have said. I get my beef and pork fat from a local place that raises all organic meats. I'm not one of those people that will not eat something if its not "certified organic", but I will say, their fat looks much better than the stuff I used to get at the grocery store. It is much whiter in color, and looks very clean.
Another thing you can do is get some bacon ends & pieces to mix with a portion of your meat. It makes the best elk burgers and meatloaf. You can usually find bacon ends & pieces in 3lb packs in the pre-packaged luchment/bacon area of the grocery store.
I have just gone to a local butcher shop. Usually beef fat is cheaper in my experience since most use the pork trim in their sausages.
if you can ask for beef tallow from the kidneys, as for pork I second the bacon ends first and then a shoulder.
I saved beef fat for years grinding it coarse right into a box lined with a clear plastic garbage bag. Stored in the freezer and pulled it out when we would process WG or sell it when someone would ask. I had so much that I would throw away about 10 boxes 25-30 lbs each. This is after using about 20 boxes through the season. Thankfully, I no longer process WG except my own and I use bacon ends and pieces in my burger.
Depending on what you are making I have bought whole pork should when it is .99 cents a pound to mix in for sausage (I have access to a grinder). Else check with a local butcher shop or good meat counter like the others have said.
The grocery store near us sells pork trim in packages with the rest of the pork meat. If they don't have any out, I've been able to get it from the butcher as well. I'll cut in 10% for standard burger. For sausage, I'll usually up the fat % quite a bit. I also buy pork butt when it's on sale and will use that for some sausage recipes.
I have a really good butcher shop by me and their beef fat is really reasonably priced and IMO better quality than the grocery store.

for ground I also grab brisket when it on sale and will add that to venison for burger or sausage. Pork fat is cheap at the grocery store or get pork butts when on sale and use that for sausage. If you cook a lot through the year keep a trim bag in the freezer and keep the good fat in there till it’s time to process