Been a minute so here's a few pics from last years bulls son's first toad

Dang dude all you had to do was post pics of the bulls and not say a word about the score or try to make it bigger then it was.... then you go and embarrass yourself for pride because you didn't tape it right. OOF

Your son shot a truly great bull that any one of us would be proud of regardless of score.
Ok so not sure exactly what he was missing due to it being a guess on the big one. My bull had a good spread n not a whole ton of mass my taxidermist said 300 I guessed 310 and taped him 317. I’m not one to go extra crazy w the ruler when taping a animal out. I’m also not a Boone and Crocker scorer. Go ahead and figure it out yourselves maybe I’m off 2 to 3 inches On the big bull. My bull was pretty even so I went off the other side. Let me know if ye all judge mental are ok with this..
Who cares. Nice bulls!
Great bulls! Outfitter scored them incorrectly, probably just so they can tout their numbers to the next person on the fence about it. I wouldn't let it take anything away from what I'm sure was an absolute blast with your son, good stuff!!
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One time I dropped a deer off at a taxidermist. Just shot him that morning and didn't have time to tape him, so asked the taxi if we could tape him really quick. Scores him pretty fast, gets to like 142. He says "So he's 142 gross, but man add some eyes guards (he didn't have any), and then if this side were like this side he'd be 150 easy, so ya pretty nice buck!" Gave me a good chuckle.

You know what I measured it wrong here not afraid to admit it. This is my first real scoring on a bull elk so I just went down the list when I said I know how to score I meant where to measure from. My sons score is correct mine is not then. See we all learn knew shit I stand humbly corrected great lesson guys thanks for the help.
Great bulls! Outfitter scored them incorrectly, probably just so they can tout their numbers to the next person on the fence about it. I wouldn't let it take anything away from what I'm sure was an absolute blast with your son, good stuff!!
No pretty sure the bull for my son is correct I incorrectly scored mine. It was not outfitted just used them for a drop camp.
So subtracting the G6 measurements looks like the 290-270 guys nailed it. It’s a nice bull and I’d be completely thrilled getting one l like that every year on general tags
Yes you guys are right haha I totally was wrong. But hey it woulda been 300 if it wasn’t broke off haha
I've used a pretty well known taxidermist in CO that is apparently an "official SCI scorer." Had him tape a couple bulls of mine since it was only a $5 charge, I figured what the heck. I taped one of the bulls before drop-off so I knew about what he scored. So the guy texts me like 3 days later with a score; it's about 10 inches above what I scored the bull. Then I guess he got his wires crossed, because 2 days later he texts me again and the score is 15 inches off from the first one, this time a little lower than what I scored. He texted me by my name specifically and included pics of the bull both times, so I assume he was using the right animal both times. When I got the bull back I taped him again very carefully, and my initial score was by far the closest to what he actually went; there's not a lot of fluctuation on what most tines could measure and he was +/- 3" at times.

Hard to trust anyone from the taxi to the guides, though I know there are plenty of exceptional ones out there that score very honestly. I try to rationalize it that they're so busy doing a bunch of other stuff that they can't spend the amount of time it takes to be spot on for every animal. Find yourself someone who is very organized, works in contracts or specifications, and they'll probably hit it pretty close.
Buddy I didn’t have Instagram until 2018 or wasn’t on Facebook until 2018 killed plenty of big shit without it before then and after…. Not worried about likes was just stoked on my kids Bull and no they are not exaggerated scores either. Feel free to Pm and we can exchange hunting resumes. All these people on here attacking my post for no reason other than they are B&C scorers on the internet. I would say I agree with the Instagram def put a damper on western hunting but that’s probably the only place I would agree with you. That said I saw absolute giant bucks this year otc public land hunting so it’s not all doom and gloom.
As much as I’d love to have a d*ck measuring contest with a stranger online, I think I’ll pass. If comparing “resumes” online is your motivation for getting out in the woods I feel sorry for you.