Black Bear Kills Woman

It would be interesting if the age and sex of bear was released. If the bear was unprovoked and not hungry, there's not much room for another explanation.

Makes me wonder why this doesn't happen more often in the Tahoe basin.
So sad. I agree with FLAK on this one. You should be able to protect yourself no matter the circumstance. Prayers to the family.....
A sad story and I hope the child is OK.

Very odd occurrence and we'll probably never know what happened. Very few details in the story.

Why is this political? Seems like common sense to me. If she could/would of been armed perhaps that "poor kid" would still have a mom.

Did you guys even read this article? She was on the phone, facing the other direction, had no warning. Husband shot bear during the attack. What are you proposing?... Mom grows eyes in the back of her head? Mom is always strapped and ready for bear battle at all hours of the day. Let's be realistic about what's possible and remember that sometimes the solution to the problem isn't going to be a gun:

When your only tool is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail.

Life is usually a lot more complicated and nuanced. Realistically this is a tragedy and as crappy as it is, there might not have been much that could have been done to prevent it. They sound like reasonable intelligent people with reasonable awareness of their surroundings, but what do I or any of you know, we are judging the entire situation from an armchair off of one article. I'm just sorry this happened to them.
Had a 6 year old kid killed not far from my house when I lived in Tennessee back in 2006. On a very busy hiking trail during the day. Killed that little girl right in front of her family. They killed that bear not long after, though. Fatal attacks are rare, but there's no surprise with an increase in outdoor use that attacks are more frequent.

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Did you guys even read this article? She was on the phone, facing the other direction, had no warning. Husband shot bear during the attack. What are you proposing?... Mom grows eyes in the back of her head? Mom is always strapped and ready for bear battle at all hours of the day. Let's be realistic about what's possible and remember that sometimes the solution to the problem isn't going to be a gun:

When your only tool is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail.

Life is usually a lot more complicated and nuanced. Realistically this is a tragedy and as crappy as it is, there might not have been much that could have been done to prevent it. They sound like reasonable intelligent people with reasonable awareness of their surroundings, but what do I or any of you know, we are judging the entire situation from an armchair off of one article. I'm just sorry this happened to them.

Yes, I read the article.
Apparently you can make armchair assumptions but other can't is that it?
How do you know she needed eyes on the back of her head? How do you know she didn't run and drop the phone before the attack? How do you know she didn't have time to draw a weapon had she been armed?
When a hunter is in bear country, isn't it suggested they stay vigilant and armed? Haven't we read plenty of other tragedies that possibly may have been avoided had a weapon been at the ready?
Is this a tragedy? Absolutely
Could it have been avoided? Probably
Yes, I read the article.
Apparently you can make armchair assumptions but other can't is that it?
How do you know she needed eyes on the back of her head? How do you know she didn't run and drop the phone before the attack? How do you know she didn't have time to draw a weapon had she been armed?
When a hunter is in bear country, isn't it suggested they stay vigilant and armed? Haven't we read plenty of other tragedies that possibly may have been avoided had a weapon been at the ready?
Is this a tragedy? Absolutely
Could it have been avoided? Probably

No I can't, none of us can and that was my exact point. All any of us know is that a woman died at home from a black bear attack. That's a sad situation. Coming in making assumptions that if she had done something differently the outcome could have been different is worse than Monday morning quarterbacking: we weren't even watching the game.
No I can't, none of us can and that was my exact point. All any of us know is that a woman died at home from a black bear attack. That's a sad situation. Coming in making assumptions that if she had done something differently the outcome could have been different is worse than Monday morning quarterbacking: we weren't even watching the game.
Well we know at least one more thing... and that is how the threat was eventually neutralized.

Stay vigilant folks
Horrible situation and it is unfortunate that young man will carry that memory forever. This should serve as a reminder for us all that we need to be careful in the woods. We never know when we might encounter the rare bear that has bad intentions. I carry when I am elk hunting not because I am afraid, it is so I am "prepared". I am walking around making "meal" sounds. When walking back to camp in the dark I consistently check my back trail.

We had a wounded elk on a hunting trip and we all spread out looking for the bull the next morning. One of the young guides (30), whose father was the main guide walked up on the dead bull with a sow and two cubs feeding on it. The young man was not carrying. We all had radios monitoring where we were. I will never forget that call over his radio. As he was talking to us he was also yelling at the bear. Thankfully she left. Luckily he remained calm and looked large and slowly backed away telling the bear to stay back. I cannot explain the sense of helplessness and anxiety as we were all running to his location and trying to get to him as quickly as possible.

Stay safe guys.
One post to turn it political, sickening.

Condolences to the family. That poor kid. I can't imagine what he is going through.
Did you happen to read any of the comments under the link. Instant political.