Book Recommendations


Oct 13, 2016
New York
Hey All,

Been looking for some new books to read any recommendations from you Roksliders? Looking for something informative or good mountain man tails.

I’m reading the autobiography on Daniel Boone. So far it’s pretty good, if your interested I’ll send it to you once I’m done

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Neptune’s Inferno (Navy at Guadalcanal)
Last stand of the tin can sailors (Navy at Samar)
Caine Mutiny
Peter the Great
Journal of a Trapper by Osborne Russell
The Saga of Hugh Glass by John Myers Myers
Use Enough Gun by Robert Ruark (about hunting Africa)
Hell, I was There by Elmer Keith (hard to get your hands on)
In nonfiction, I'm a big fan of the old school....Belmore Browne (very rare, but one of the best), Andy Russell, Grey Owl, Black Elk, Colonel Whelen, Calvin Rutstrum, Sig Olson, Aldo Leopold, Fred Bear, the Muries, etc. etc. etc.....
In fiction, anything by Bernard Cornwell is gold...just read "The Terror" by Dan Simmons...holy cow...that was a hell of a good book.
Into the fire by Dakota Meyer. Not your traditional informative or mountain man book, but a lot can be learned from his story. If you want the cliff notes, listen to jocko podcast where Dakota was on. If interested, I will send you my copy of the book to read
Alaskan-Yukon Trophies Won and Lost by G. O Young if you can find a copy.
Be prepared to feel like a total hunting wimp the rest of your life.

Deliverance by James Dickey
Forget the movie and Ned Beatty. If you are into audiobooks, it's even better. Who would know that James Dickey, a laureate poet was a bowhunter?

Endurance by Alfred Lansing
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