Coyote out the window

Where do you live where it's warm enough to leave the window open at night?

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I love that you decided to shoot through the screen over all the other options.
In MO. It's been pretty warm the last few days.

Our screen don't actually open, so my only other choice was to open the door, which would have spook the coyote. After you lose enough chicken, a small hole in the screen is a small sacrifice.

I did get him...he made it all the way over to the neighbors though.
I hiked through 2 feet of snow to get to a stand this morning. A rancher friend has had one in his cows that are calving. I was at the base of the Tobacco Root Range in SW Montana where it is most definitely still winter. There's more snow there now than there was 2 weeks ago.
I hiked through 2 feet of snow to get to a stand this morning. A rancher friend has had one in his cows that are calving. I was at the base of the Tobacco Root Range in SW Montana where it is most definitely still winter. There's more snow there now than there was 2 weeks ago.
Did you get him?
I pull the screens off the windows at the beginning of hunting season so I can shoot out the windows. We don't see many in the winter but they do show up in the spring with the gophers.

I have shot a couple elk from there while sitting in my long underware. Guess I'm a chronic opportunist.
Years ago I flew into a small gravel air strip in western Alaska to go fishing. A local gentleman helped shuttle our gear down to the river for boat pickup. As we passed his house I noticed every window was boarded up with plywood. I asked him why, anticipating an explanation involving marauding brown bears. He casually explained that all the windows were shot out because he shoots moose when they walk through the yard. He seemed puzzled why I would ask such a silly question.
Cost of replacing a single window... vs.. how much money it would cost to buy a whole Moose worth of just regular ol' ordinary meats? Shiiiiid bye-bye window!
Cost of replacing a single window... vs.. how much money it would cost to buy a whole Moose worth of just regular ol' ordinary meats? Shiiiiid bye-bye window!
LOL right? I’m certainly not here to judge because I’d probably do the same thing. Although I might try opening the window a time or two before I started shooting through them. 🤣