Critique my Food List

What's a light 10 grams of protein to add to someone's meal plan? I was thinking an individual peanut butter pack or two added to a bar.
PB is more fats...

I don't weight it but to boost protein I'll sometimes bring a packet of tuna (not a can) in oil for extra calories and a block of Ramen noodles, dump the tuna in the Ramen. I do the same with instant taders depending on mood. It's better with taders but noodles are more convenient to carry. I'll also dump a few scoops of powdered eggs into the taders if I'm bringing them. Or you could just bring a scoop of whey powder and eat that with the candy bars.
Cant ditch the stingers man..not the stingers. That the best thing he has in his pack!
I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I can't stand the things. They make a crumbly mess and are too hard to chew into when it's cold.
Just me here. I would ditch a couple of the hot chocolates and add real food / calories. You are pretty sugar heavy in my opinion.

Add some trail mix - high calories - fat, protein, carbs - all in one. Peanut butters or nut butters work. Kind bars work. Lots of "real" food you can add.

Going in scouting for 3-5 days - basically working hard, in a calorie deficit is going to kill your tank for the hunt. I would shoot for 3500 cals for scouting at least. You can drop it for the hunt if you want to drop the weight. Should be able to get to 3500 ish for 2lbs per day.

If it's your first time out in the high country - drink water - every chance you get. At least until you know you can handle it. If you find you are losing your appetite - drink more water. Also consider adding some vitamin C to your daily ration. It helps with elevation stuff.

I need the energy. I hate being hangry on the mountain..........just sayin'
Sorry 6.5 i went on a short wilderness float. We could have a separate thread for splitting the hairs of this convo about slimming food kit requirements, but i like this thread content so I'll stay on point.

a fist full of almonds for my hand is 350 cals and 30 grams of protein plus loaded with good fat. Other light choices for 10 gm or more protein is bone broth powder. You can get flavorless bone broth to add to any meal an ounce at a time without overwhelming change in flavor profile. Massive benefit for light nutrient delivery.

On the market food bars and dehydrated meals today are largely whey protein based, but they provide a decent protein delivery and weight conscious portions. ounce for ounce it's hard to compete with whey as an option to help lighten your food kit of heavier protein options.

If you want to split some hairs though, a discussion about amino acid supplements is a valid foreshadow topic. Ounce for ounce there is nothing that competes with instant amino acid formulas specific to bodies in motion and experiencing energy deficit hunting.
Pre packaged backpacking foods are not worth it in my opinion. I feel better and get more calories by just making my meals out of dry ingredients from wal mart and bulk barn.

For example a knorr or sidekick with dehydrated vegetables, onions and pepperoni. Cheap as hell and you get to spike the calories to your liking. I have an entire section of my kitchen that is backpacking food. I get out a lot.
I would definitely ditch some of the packaged drinks and sugary snacks. Maybe keep the stingers, those are really good. This is largely personal preference and partly hunting style as well. If you will be very mobile and doing more tracking, scouting, covering ground, etc. I would bring another freeze dried meal instead of so many small snacks. You will want to get a substantial amount of calories in a sitting, and then be able to move for several hours without having to stop and pull out food again.

If I am sitting and glassing a lot, I tend to make more use of my snack items (Jerky, nuts, dried fruit) and hot drinks and may only eat one real meal per day.

If you don’t want the commercial packaged stuff and have time to experiment with some meals take a look at Andrew Skurkas blog.

When I hike hard I don’t get too wrapped around the axle with specific nutrients. Forget about getting optimal protein and all of that. The main problem is just getting enough calories. If you don’t focus on this you will run a huge calorie deficit and want to drop dead by the end of the trip.

Anyone that has done longer trips with lots of hiking knows this. You will burn 4000-6000 calories a day if your moving lots with heavy packs.

You will find when you start looking at foods noting the calories that it is actually much easier to get calories in with snacks.

Things like nuts, fatty meats, and even some chocolate bars are very calorically dense (over 500cals/100g) and make it easy to get calories into you. Most of what we consider “dinner foods” (rice, pasta, potatoes, meats and veg) are below 400cals/100g.

You can sneak calories in your main meals by adding things like oil, sesame seeds, peanut butter or other sources of fat.

When I cover a lot of ground I try to snack every 2 hours to keep my body digesting calories. My main meals are on the small side but I eat a lot of snacks. This change from my regular at home routine has worked very well for me. I felt a big difference in the way I feel throughout the trip.
I've found that having that goal of 100 to 125 calories per ounce is a good one.

I understand what the OP is saying by needing more calories. But like others have said, I would get them from another source.

For myself, I have found a big breakfast helps. I eat the backpackers pantry cold granola which is 670 calories and it's delicious. My other go to is a Bobo brand green belly bars. Some are really tasty some aren't.

I like to get into the 2500 to 300 calorie range too. But I still will loose a pound a day while I'm the back country.

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Will you be packing in water or be close to a water source? Peak meals use 10-10.5 oz of water per meal. Then add in you're drink mixes plus the water you'll be drinking for the day. Just something to consider and think about.
Will you be packing in water or be close to a water source? Peak meals use 10-10.5 oz of water per meal. Then add in you're drink mixes plus the water you'll be drinking for the day. Just something to consider and think about.
Will be close to water
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Honey stingers suck when they’re cold. They’re hard and a mess. But they’re good when room temperature. I like a variety of bars. Like clif bars and pro bars. I also eliminate making oatmeal that way, which I think is a messy pain to make in the backcountry. Justin’s nut butter is good and light. And maybe make just an extra drink bag for at night or during the day if you want it, that’s what I do. I doubt you’ll want that many hot drinks throughout the trip, you’ll just want to sleep or relax more.
This is my load for a 6 day backcountry bear hunt. I turn hangry and bonk quickly, so this is geared around grazing all day. I split the bigger 2 serving meals into 2 days in the field. Bringing a burrito and sandwich for the first day. Going with the sealed packages of bacon for my butthole sammies, see if I can get an extra day or two before they get funky this way. Camped right by water. Need to add one MH skillet for midweek breakfast, get tired of oatmeal after a couple days.

6 day food dump 2.jpg6 day food dump 3.jpg