Crossfit Games

Oct 16, 2017
Upper Michigan
Anybody else been watching? I drove down to Madison with my buddy and his kid to watch yesterday. It was pretty cool seeing savages in action. Very humbling to watch such high level athletes perform in person. By far the most exciting moment was watching Annie hit the second snatch at 200. I was in the Fit Aid lounge so not even in person, but the excitement of the crowd was intense. If you're a crossfiter I'd highly recommend going and seeing it in person.
You were there for a good one! My wife has it on all the time, they are amazing athletes!
Yeah it's really incredible watching them in person. That running and t2b workout the top athletes were holding around 6 minute miles and I don't think anyone ever dropped off the bar during the 30 reps. I think it's a little cooler, because you can kinda feel like you know them from watching their training on youtube and instagram.
Anybody else been watching? I drove down to Madison with my buddy and his kid to watch yesterday. It was pretty cool seeing savages in action. Very humbling to watch such high level athletes perform in person. By far the most exciting moment was watching Annie hit the second snatch at 200. I was in the Fit Aid lounge so not even in person, but the excitement of the crowd was intense. If you're a crossfiter I'd highly recommend going and seeing it in person.

My relative in law won the women’s 65 year old division.
Dang, that's pretty cool. Congrats to her. There's a couple people in there 50's,60's and 70's at our gym. I hope I'm still getting after like them when I'm their age.
LOL, I didnt even start(any workouts at all) until 48. Hit 53 a month from today and feel like I am starting to get into fairly decent shape. Still got lots of room for improvement though.