Disregard politics or people what’s the worst state to live in?


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Jan 18, 2016
Keep comments in line with the original post please. If not 24hr political fire is taking new members.
Jun 15, 2016
Kind of surprised nobody has mentioned Iowa. Yes, there's deer hunting. But outside of that, there's literally nothing else above average outdoors-wise. You get the cold climate, big winds, and boring stretches of interstate the rest of the midwest has. The best thing you can say about it is it's proximity to other states where there's better fishing/hunting.

Once upon a time I was working on a medium-term contract in Des Moines. I had been commuting from the Twin Cities and had rented a small studio apartment where I could sleep during the work week. Once the clock hit 5pm on Fridays, I was on the road back to Minnesota/Wisconsin. When the managing partner at the firm asked me (out of the blue) if I wanted to stay in Des Moines long term, I had to stifle a laugh (similar to the Ron Swanson "I don't suppose you'd want to move to Canada?"). I had tried fishing various creeks and lakes around Des Moines and it was, um, terrible to say the least. For comparison, I lived in Sioux Falls for a time and Des Moines wasn't even close to that in terms of fishing and hunting.

There's also no professional sports teams there, so everyone takes college sports super seriously which can get very obnoxious if you didn't go to Iowa or Iowa State.
Don't forget about Maid-Rites!


Sep 23, 2022
You are dead wrong, they are not like me. They keep voting for those who want to take our firearms, tax us to death to support those who refuse to go out and make a living. Because of their terrible policies they have raised the price of everything, from TP to the fuel you use to go to work, the energy you use to heat and cool your house. The liberal state I live in, is pushing for everything to to go electric, while at the same time refusing to build more power generating plants to generate that power. We have rolling blackouts every summer due to the lack of power generating plants. We are now back to being energy dependent on countries who would love to see the end of our country. They keep raising the interest rates. Now they want to punish those with good credit ratings to support those who have lesser ratings because of their poor judgment. Virtually every day I read another article on another policy they want which will cause even more hardships on those of us who are not waiting for the govt. to give us a hand out.The really sad things is, they think they are doing a great job. One last thing, have you looked at your investments lately, thank the current administration for that.
Let’s keep this civil.

But I think we can all agree that nuclear energy is the way.


Sep 23, 2022
You can try to ignore politics…but the policy affects you whether you like it or not.
Yeah you’re right it just a matter of what you can tolerate.

Red and blue states both have their negatives
Jul 17, 2017
A guy I know from SD drove to CO. to buy some weapons for his gun store in Aberdeen. He spent the night in a local hotel and during the night his truck was broken into and 16 guns were stole. He called the local police to report it and was arrested on 16 counts of improper storage of firearms, along with anything they could muster up to make it worst.
Yep, elections have consequences. Colorado is well on its way to criminalizing all gun owners. Great strategy, arrest gun owners and turn a blind eye to the actual thieves.


Sep 29, 2012
What I have learned is that the southeast, Kansas and Ohio suck, and some people can’t not view the world from a political lens.
Jun 28, 2021
South Carolina
Anywhere in the north east. Grew up in PA and once I left for the Marines I knew I would never move back do to politics and weather.

I honestly won’t live above the mason dixion just due to winters. South Carolina’s weather is amazing year round. Hunting and fishing is pretty good and cost of living is cheap.

Grand parents live in Wyoming. Ya it’s fun to visit to hunt and fish but screw living out there. Cold, windy, cold, expensive, and cold. I don’t get the fasination of living out west. Gimme nice weather year round to enjoy things outside.
Aug 6, 2018
I don’t know what the worst state is disregarding politics or people, but I will opine that Alaska is the best state for outdoors and hunting activities.

Five visits already and another hunt scheduled in 2025. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider.


Feb 16, 2014
Wyoming. Blizzards September thru may. Roads closed every where. Hot and windy the rest of the time. Bad restaurants that specialize in serving Meth. No good jobs and real estate is sky high for cactus and greasewood.
Yep. Wyoming sucks.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Anywhere in the north east. Grew up in PA and once I left for the Marines I knew I would never move back do to politics and weather.

I honestly won’t live above the mason dixion just due to winters. South Carolina’s weather is amazing year round. Hunting and fishing is pretty good and cost of living is cheap.

Grand parents live in Wyoming. Ya it’s fun to visit to hunt and fish but screw living out there. Cold, windy, cold, expensive, and cold. I don’t get the fasination of living out west. Gimme nice weather year round to enjoy things outside.
I guess nice is subjective. Give me cold weather any day over walk out the door instant ball sweat any day. Spending 6 months south of the mason dixon line at basic made my mind up I would never live south of it.
Jun 28, 2021
South Carolina
I guess nice is subjective. Give me cold weather any day over walk out the door instant ball sweat any day. Spending 6 months south of the mason dixon line at basic made my mind up I would never live south of it.
Ya I’m the opposite. The 6-9 months of dreary, wet, snowy, miserable weather in pa growing up made me hate the north east. The frigid cold and long winter of the west is also a no go.

I love being able to shoot my recurves and longbows outside year round in pretty much a t shirt most months. June to sept it’s hot but you get used to it. A lot of swimming and air conditioning. Bow hunting from August till January is pretty awesome. Plus I get 5 bucks tags in this state….
Dec 5, 2021
Delaware. Just spent 9 days there. Can't think of anything that'd make me want to go back. Chicken houses everywhere the entire state smells like a steaming pile of shit, no pretty women, I honestly can't think of a positive thing to say about Delaware.


Nov 20, 2016
I guess nice is subjective. Give me cold weather any day over walk out the door instant ball sweat any day. Spending 6 months south of the mason dixon line at basic made my mind up I would never live south of it.
Anywhere I walk out of my hotel and think, I should have put deodorant on my balls, is not tolerable. SC was the last place. The list has got vast for me.