Dog injury question

Nov 7, 2012
My dog has injured his front leg. The vet says they are booked until Thursday. They did say I can stop in and get some meds to help until then. I know there are some vets on here as well as a lot of people that know dogs well. From what I can tell the injured area is the area right above B on this pic. It is swollen and I can tell it hurts him if I put pressure there. He hurt it 8 days ago but then he got about 95% better. Limp was basically gone and he moved well. Yesterday he hurt it again in the yard and this time he has a worse limp than the first time and I can tell its more swollen than last week too. This morning he limped pretty bad when we got up for food and for him to go out. He does limp on it but doesn't like to put pressure on it if he is just standing or sitting. I am just curious if this is a common spot for a sprain or something worse?
Front Splint for Dogs | Walkin' Front Splint | Wheels4Dogs
Can you elaborate what he was doing when this happened?
I have had a laceration in this area that caused intermittent limping for awhile.
Can you elaborate what he was doing when this happened?
I have had a laceration in this area that caused intermittent limping for awhile.
Running after a ball the first time. Then yesterday we were in the yard and I dropped some wood while he wasnt paying attention. It startled him and he did a quick run away move for a couple of yards then he had his paw up.
I'd rest him for a few days. You can go to the vet and they'll x ray it for 160 bucks to rule out any skeletal issues but it's likely soft tissue related.

With what you explained I'd probably not worry about the x ray.
Not a vet but he would be on house rest in the crate and on a leash for going out to the bathroom. If it had gotten better hopefully its just a sprain and time and rest will heal it. Is it slippery where your at. It was like a ice sheet here for a bit and i had to keep mine slowed down it was an injury waiting to happen
We crate him during the day. Wife lets him out at lunch. Usually he sleeps on a chair but last night I made him sleep on the floor so he wouldn't be jumping up and off the chair.
Our 4 year old boxer started limping on a hind leg last fall after he would run hard. Bottom line, he had torn a tendon in his knee (like our ACL), and it had to be surgically repaired. He was on restrictions for 12 weeks but he is good as new now. It was expensive but necessary.
How did the pup fair OP?
He ended up ok. I took him in and the vet didn't think there was permanent damage and said he didn't think an x-ray was necessary. He limped for about a week and then came out of it. I haven't been letting him jump out of the truck anymore and not throwing the ball for a while just to be safe. I still think something is not quite right. That area on that leg is not like the other leg. It's like there is a ball there. If he injures it again then Ill request they x-ray it for sure to see. Thanks for asking.