Elk hunter scouting attacked, stabs lion in CO


May 1, 2018
GRANBY — A man attacked by a mountain lion Saturday night near Kremmling did everything right when he fought back and stabbed the animal with a pocketknife, a spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife said Friday.

The man was reportedly attacked around 9 p.m. while scouting out places to hunt elk around the Big Horn Park subdivision northeast of Kremmling. Authorities and their hounds tracked down the mountain lion at about 7 a.m. the next morning and killed it.

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Some of the stuff written in the comment section for that article is alarming, nothing like people wishing someone would get shredded by cat.
At least the hunter was alright even though the enviro A-holes wish he was cat crap right now. Bet that guy carries a pistol the rest of his life after that.
I have personally encountered a cat on its food cache before. Scary as hell. and I carry a sidearm constantly now.
Those comment are ridiculous. Idiots and morons on the other side for sure.
I'm not sure whether the cat or the crazies are the bigger threat...

Comments sections are always a snapshot of the idiocy around us. I seriously think media outlets should not have them. It only provides a soapbox for inflammatory speeches. No decent dialogue ever occurs that I've witnessed.

No kidding. The comment section just proves what I have believed for years...people by and large are complete morons.
I'm not sure whether the cat or the crazies are the bigger threat...

Comments sections are always a snapshot of the idiocy around us. I seriously think media outlets should not have them. It only provides a soapbox for inflammatory speeches. No decent dialogue ever occurs that I've witnessed.

Crazies by far, and I couldn't agree more about news outlet comment sections.
Some major wack jobs in those comments man. People think they're so intelligent and enlightened. Folks literally think down is up and up is down..
What you have in that comment section is a bunch of uneducated, delusional, leftist, idiots. Its pretty impressive how stupid they make themselves look.

For all the libs that complain about over population of the human race (and the destruction caused by humans), i wish they would take the first step in reducing the population.....
Those comments are ridiculous! I just hope my wife doesn't see this before we leave next Wednesday to go scouting out there. There's no way id get her to hike in and spend the night in the back country!
Biggest problem we have is that all these idiots vote, and they vote into office other complete idiots!

"There is a big difference between being prepared... and being paranoid. Preparation is the key to success"
Looks like a lion got an 8 year old in Bailey. Heard on the news this morning, not sure what condition he's in.
Man, if a lion backs me up 200 yards before pouncing he's gonna get fed lead. Dude is lucky twice...first in his successful fight and second in not being named in the article. Some crazy SOBs in that comments section, I ripped em a new one. Common sense is not common enough.
Wonder which knife he used. In high school I was tracking a deer which I believed was dead. When I got 2 feet away, it came to life and tried to stomp me. I had an old ka bar which was old as dirt and most had been ground down. Anywho, I reacted by stabbing it on top of the head (buried the blade fully) which ended the ruckus. That incident has always influenced future knife buying.

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We were archery elk hunting the wasatch mountains in Utah last year when we were almost ran over by a spike bull being chased by a lion, the lion stopped at about 10' looked at us and took off back down the mountain after the elk and thank God he did I was defenseless, bow was in my pack and pistol was in my truck!

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