Feds want reintro of grizzly's in northern Cascades

Cut and paste from my comment to Bad Smurf in the elk section who is FOR this reintroduction saying its a good check and balance.

You have been fed a line of BS. There is no checks and balance when these deadly predators are involved and we have recent history to learn from in the Yellowstone ecosystem.

How is that working out for managing Wolves and Grizz in the Yellowstone eco system? Its terrible. Lawsuits and constant legal BS has hindered the F&G for a decade. The money spent on these predators for management, lawsuits, EIR's, livestock reimbursement- it's a huge suck. The F&G pros are hamstrung and spending much of their effort on these predators. Thats not to mention the odd hiker and hunter they kill.

Contrast that with managing the ecosystem with hunters. It's net positive. Money is generated for the F&G...and for the economy. They can ramp tags up or down as necessary....plus humans get the benefit of a low fat high protein meat source.

Cmon man, its catering to the anti hunters who are behind this...don't be fooled by names like, Center for Biological Diversity...it's an anti hunting org is all.
Think about it, how does the F&G manage an eco system when 2 major predators run out of control- the F&G has one hand tied behind their back. Ridiculous that these antis are making the claim it's good for the ecosystem.
This would be a total wasted of taxpayer dollars. Apart from the fact that there is a healthy population of griz in BC that are free to cross into WA at anytime, they are already here! They will expand their territory just fine on their own, no need to spend our money to do it. Stupid.
Like others have stated, they are already there. Northern Cascades and the Salmo Priest, yet alone much farther south.

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Let 'em do it.

I hope they maul one person a month in every state they exist. Keeps the sissies out of the woods and more game for me.
They are already here. Was up there 2 years ago and they replaced some of the closed gate signs with ones that say something along the lines of to protect endangered species habitat. Hunted up there this year and a couple forest service guys pulled into my camp spot to make me aware that they expanded the wilderness area to include a lot of the major roads which restricted travel by highway vehicles only. I asked why and they said due to the grizzlies.
It's for habitat that could support grizzlies, the signs don't mean grizzlies are there. It's the same with caribou in N Idaho
They are already here. Was up there 2 years ago and they replaced some of the closed gate signs with ones that say something along the lines of to protect endangered species habitat. Hunted up there this year and a couple forest service guys pulled into my camp spot to make me aware that they expanded the wilderness area to include a lot of the major roads which restricted travel by highway vehicles only. I asked why and they said due to the grizzlies.

Oh I believe it. I had not heard about this new wilderness line that restricts only highway vehicles?
Like my 9 year old daughter or 11 year old son? As long as you fill your tags I guess…..

Its a risk you run when you bring them into the woods. Just like when you strap them into a car.

Our ancestors would laugh at how afraid we have become. At the same time, we're more deadly than we've ever been. What a strange paradox. If the indians lived in North America for thousands of years with only a bow and arrow, certainly we can do it now. And a lot of the really terrifying stuff they had to deal with has gone extinct.

"This proposal is a catastrophe waiting to happen, and a direct threat to the ecosystem of Washington state. The commission has gone rogue and completely ignores both Department of Fish and Wildlife, and public input. As an avid sportsmen and recreator in Washington state, I have personally witnessed declining ungulate populations in many areas. Washington is among the top states of black bear densities per capita, with continuous human and livestock confrontation. Mountain lion populations are to the extent that territorial overlap causes human conflict in rural areas on a fairly consistent basis, where a houndsman is called in to isolate the animal to be euthanized by the Department. The reintroduction of wolves has been devastating, and the commission continuously provides false information about populations, established packs, and locations. All of this has been the drastic effect of mismanagement, and reduced hunting opportunity.

Beyond the fact that the commission can't conservatively and effectively manage the populations of species we currently have, the North Cascades is one of the most popular hiking destinations in the northwest. There are thousands of miles of trail systems in the entire Cascade mountain range and all of the northern wildernesses, that are frequented mostly by people without basic survival skills. Reintroducing an apex predator that hasn't been hunted in decades and now recognizes humans as prey, directly contradicts the Supplementary Information item (4) Proposed measures to prevent and minimize human-grizzly bear conflicts. There is no logical way to prevent human-grizzly bear conflict if they are purposely reintroduced to an extremely popular recreation area. I can't fathom how devastational grizzly bears would be to recreating humans, ungulates, and livestock.

As a lifetime Washington resident, I plead for this proposal to be rejected immediately."
Unfortunate that the feds rebuild populations with bears that are being relocated that are problem bears elsewhere. Very clear that the feds have a NIMBY outlook on their management strategies.
I seriously hope that's sarcasm and I'm just not picking it up through context..
More like pessimism man, I’m over here in Co, the anti hunters/animal rights activists tend to have a way to Ram stuff right down our throats wether we want it or not. I made a comment against it and I hope like hell that it helped, but hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up quicker. Best of luck fighting it!
More like pessimism man, I’m over here in Co, the anti hunters/animal rights activists tend to have a way to Ram stuff right down our throats wether we want it or not. I made a comment against it and I hope like hell that it helped, but hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up quicker. Best of luck fighting it!
Yeah I feel ya, I figured you weren't serious being from CO. Not only is this on the table, but there's been short excerpts from a "carnivore" plan from the commission that might take away bear and cougar opportunity. This state is a dumpster fire for management. Appreciate your input!
Yeah I feel ya, I figured you weren't serious being from CO. Not only is this on the table, but there's been short excerpts from a "carnivore" plan from the commission that might take away bear and cougar opportunity. This state is a dumpster fire for management. Appreciate your input!
Yeah man and Co is following lock step, a certain political group is leading the charge to reshape America which includes reshaping wildlife management practices which have given us the best wildlife in the world for the last 100 or so years…