First Solo Trip - CO 1st Rifle 2018

Being sick (like flu-type sick) just plain sucks. Several years ago my buddy made our coffee out of creek water unbeknownst to me, and turned out to be about 1/2 mile below a beaver damn. I got so sick that night that I was ready to swear off hunting altogether just to make it go away. But reluctantly we both headed out opening morning and went our separate ways planning to meet up at noon at a pre-planned spot.

I felt like death, and anticipated being back in my sleeping bag by 8am. But I ended up shooting a 5x5 at 0720 that morning. The adrenaline helped just a tad, but I was wiped. It took me 5 hours to break down that bull and get everything hung between launching, resting, and hydrating. To this day I still haven't felt that badly from any other sickness, even up all night launching.

We ended up packing it all out the next day after I spent the rest of that first day in the tent. "Weak as heck" would describe the next few days. But I understand where you're coming from. If I had been alone and hadn't shot that bull, I would have packed up and left. But then again, if I had been alone......I wouldn't have been sick to start with in my case.:(

That's a tough one, especially with a NR tag. Good luck in future years.
I spent Monday night at the ER in Cortez with a kidney stone! I’ve never had one and can testify to the severity of the pain. I was a mile from the truck when the pain came on and it was all I could do to throw my pack on and struggle hike out.

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You are not alone. My brother and i went out to colorado last year for his 1st elk hunt. Same deal, whole drive out(im in Indiana, he is in Louisiana) i felt...average. Most times i can hardly sit still.
Get there, get camp set up and im totally wiped out from that. Figure i just need some food/rest.
I woke up early the next morning in a cold sweat. Ate breakfast, walked outside and hurled. Over and over.
Long story short, miserable 5 days, and i still feel like i sold my brother short on his 1st experience. It is what it is, but believe me i feel your pain! When i get back out there next year im gonna attack those mountains!!

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hey 5 mile, what do you think you had.

what caused it? cold coffee?

I have been pretty sick in the hi country but nothing like some of these stories. on the other hand 3 years ago I had something that laid me out so bad I had to leave early. don't know what-just could not breathe.

it hit last year too. no air and so weak I just sat in camp. I guess the lord told me my time was up in the hi country. this year I am on the couch. hate it, too.
On the drive out I felt a little "off"; chilled but my face hot, like when you get wind burnt maybe.

Man, that really sucks. If it makes you feel any better the exact same thing happened to me this year in CO 1st rifle. I wasn't solo though, with a buddy, and I stuck it out through all 5 days, although didn't hunt very hard. I felt pretty sick, but the worst part was how achy I was. Every part of my body was achy. I was in bed at about 7pm every night with all my clothes on, a 0 degree bag, and a comforter over that. I had the cold sweats and felt like I would never warm up. Pretty nasty feeling. I felt bad for my buddy as I was clearly dragging us down. Pretty disappointing way to hunt, but there's always next year!