Friendly (Insane) challenge

I'll just say, that I reached my best fitness ever by simply running 30 minutes every day, because that is what I knew I could do every day. I did that for 4 weeks, then 35 min ever day for 4 weeks, then 40 minutes every day for 4 weeks, and so on. After 8 months I was running 12 miles at a faster pace (and repeat it every day) than I could for 30 minutes in the beginning. The real exciting thing was that I was never sore nor tired.
I run/walk :30 every other day. Been at it a couple of months. It isn’t getting any easier either. Right now I cannot imagine running :10 minutes straight, much less 4 miles.
Yeah...listen to mtwarden. This is silly, not tough. Tough comes from putting in the miles, day in and day out, and maintaining a healthy weight without excuses. This seems counterproductive. Even if you do it, what do you gain. Perhaps substitute a longer term goal, like running your age in miles on your birthday if it’s more than 3-4 months out or something similar. The training leading up to a big event is the benefit, not the event itself. My two cents.
Just cut all carbs and sugar,
Write down everything you eat and keep it to 1500 calories.
And exercise.
You'll loose an average of 2lbs a day if you can mentally handle it.
Props for committing to a change. Your goals aren’t unobtainable or unreasonable by themselves but your timeframe for them is. Suddenly spiking your activity like that is a recipe for injury, and I don’t know of a healthy way to lose weight that quickly.

Stick to your goals but give yourself more time. Find what works for you and stick with it, best of luck.
Go for it. Even if you fall short you're still in better shape than when starting, just listen to your body.
Are u still planning on doing your challenge this weekend? I hope you do. Go as hard as your body will let you and bravo for doing something different!

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I just finished mile 48. I finished the last four miles at a 7:12 pace, the fast of the 48 hours. This reminds me of how important it is to challenge ourselves past our competitive years. It’s easy to settle in to a routine that keeps us in pretty good shape, then lie to ourselves that we’re at the top of our game still. Without doing any real competition or challenge that offers real resistance (the kind that brings about self doubt), we could easily get delusional. Once self doubt enters the equation, ideas like injury, over training, rhabdo, or any of the other things that were mentioned in this thread become like a cancer in your brain and you’re doomed. People that want to do this sort of thing, you definitely can, but you have to get all that trash out of your head and replace it with self belief.

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