Full thick velvet buck Oct 1st

Aug 16, 2022
Not sure how many TN bow hunters we have in here but from my experience I’ve never seen a buck in full velvet this late!?!?

Has anyone in the tn area seen them on very this late?
Same thing i heard, my grandpa shot a full velvet muley mid october. It had some nut injury if i remember the story right
Not here. Do know guy that killed one in December in velvet one time but it was hermaphrodite deer. Not sure I’ve ever seen a velvet deer once bow season started in Tn
Father in law shot one in December several years ago. Buck injured his family jewels during the summer and DNR said that can cause velvet to persist. Some kind of hormone disruption.
I thought about letting an arrow fly but wasn’t quit big enough. I probably should’ve just to say I killed a velvet in October lol
friend in ft collins colorado area shot one in velvet in october. tested positive for cwd. this was more than 10 years ago