Having, or still dreaming of a white Christmas? [emoji1]

Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
Just curious if there’s anyone else, outside of Alaska, having a white Christmas? This is our driveway/walkway this morning, after another half assed job of me snowblowing.



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Well, we just had a tropical rain storm and major flooding (for the second time this year), which washed away our white Christmas. Photo is the village down the hill from me, this street flooded in July and again this past week. Luckily they have dealing with floods down to a science at this point, but imagine I’ll end up spending part of my weekend volunteering to help clean up.
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Doesn‘t look like it’s gonna happen here in Idaho. It’s only snowed once this year and it melted quick, highs in the 40s every day. I bet once January comes it’ll dump.
Your snow reminds me of my time in Fairbanks as the snow never melted until spring and our dogs would just walk over the fence if I didn't use the snowblower in front of it. We are forecast 2-4 inches on Sunday into Monday, maybe more. Snowy December here so far (rare) with over a foot of much needed moisture. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, every where we look...... Kids will be in the park behind our house sledding on Christmas day, enjoy seeing families out there having fun.
I just realized that I mistakenly posted this in the Whitetail forum, IDK how that happened as I meant to post in the General Discussions forum. Moderators please move if you see fit.
One of my jobs is the highway department so I hate white Christmas’ cause that means I don’t get to be with my family. But doesn’t look like it will be hear.
Seems when we were young that we had snow every Christmas here in CNY.
Lately however we don’t. The last white Christmas we had was in 2018 if I remember correctly.
I’m in WI sitting in a treestand wearing a sweatshirt. It’s 40 degrees and just feels wrong. I was hoping for temps in the teens and some snow on the ground, always had great late season success with those conditions. Instead it’s supposed to rain for the next few days.
Supposed to be mid 50s & rain here. We've had a little snow a couple times so far, but we're in for a green/brown Christmas.

My grandfather was born in 1913, and I asked him once how often they had a white Christmas when he was a kid. He said about every other year.

Doesn't seem to have changed much. Last year we got over a foot Christmas Eve/morning. We had a 2 hour drive to our sons house for brunch.
I live 40 minutes from the second most snowiest city in the states and we have snow although much less than usual. I am ok with that, lol. Keep that crap away! I live at a higher elevation and the wind up here makes it impossible to keep up with clearing the driveway.

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