How can we grow?



how about rok slide store for members with good deals on sponsors merchandise / we are all looking for top end stuff at a good price

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
+1 bearguide. We are all wanting to use the best stuff for less. A 5% discount or something similar for mentioning RokSlide on checkout would be a nice perk. :D
Mar 5, 2012
I think the media that you're doing is awesome. Every time you post a video or article you should have it on facebook. I think a podcast would be great as well. I know I generally will click on a video if it's posted on facebook.
Feb 25, 2012
bend, oregon
I have been telling my hardcore hunting friends but that is it. I have seen too many forums with armchair hunters posting comments that are un-educated and way off base and It seems like the members here know thier stuff. I personally like having a small number of great hunters versus a large number of average hunters. I would say advertising in hunting mags and on the websites of high end hunting gear manufacturers will get the word out to the right kind of hunters.


Feb 27, 2012
West Salem, WI
I think that a new forum rule that prohibits posting hunting unit and specific area info would be a good idea. You dont want this site to turn into an internet scouting tool only. There are two posts on the elk forum asking about specific units and they both have 2 replies and over 100 views. Pretty sad for a site with 500 members. You want this site to be a place where a person can learn "how to" not "where to". I'm sure everone on here has secret spots that they would never reveal the location to, and someday when you log on and there's a pic of a guy standing there in your favorite spot with the GPS coordinates posted up, you might be a little upset. I'm a member of other sites that have this rule and it's really a good thing.
Mar 4, 2012
Western Colorado
Keep the site "extremely" educational and informative. Video's are great and they came out quickly but may need to get them even more detailed (knitpicking). All sites have the jibberish conversations going non-stop. BUT they do not have people putting information out there by individuals with some credibility (ie) Dave his book's/Editor position, animals he has taken...Aron (Gear Knowledge) and posts of animals he has taken. (If there are others well known...step up). People will want to read their input and won't give too much of a hoot for my verbal message. There are also a few that have been published that are on here, that lends MORE credibility to this above average site. I honestly do not think it would be bragging just giving more credibility. Its called tooting your own horn!!!!
I'll get off the soap-box now don't want to get a nose bleed.