how dumb is this/are people?

....and you're certain that any corrupt government or NGO will maintain uncorrupted and uninterrupted communications and computer systems!
I live in a rural area where I don't get good cell phone service, much less a computer link.
Nor am I certain that the power grid will be operational where I am.
I do have enough solar panels that I can charge my cell phone......."IF" my carrier is still operational!

Metal is tangible. Bitcoin is a digital icon on a computer screen.
Other than that, I'll depend on my  tangibles to help keep me solvent.
Nope... Just saying that when this SHTF scenario happens, our silver and gold isn't going to be any more valuable than our dollar. It's just my opinion which means nothing. I own a decent amount of Precious metals but not for the same reasons as some of you. It is simply to maintain diversification. I do not believe there will ever be a time where I can trade my silver for flour. Should this day ever arise, I hath no fear, the end is near.
If our country gets so f'ed that the US dollar has zero value, gold and silver will be meaningless.
Clean water, followed by guns and ammo would be the most valued things. People might shoot you for you gold and silver.
If our country gets so f'ed that the US dollar has zero value, gold and silver will be meaningless.
Clean water, followed by guns and ammo would be the most valued things. People might shoot you for you gold and silver.
I don't think anybody's going to shoot you just because your gold and silver is bright and shiny. It will be because it has value.
Guns and ammo, without a doubt, WILL have value!
As for "meaningless"? may be right, but I don't think so!
But that's just me.
At my age (74), I may never see SHTF! .....but then again.......!
If our country gets so f'ed that the US dollar has zero value, gold and silver will be meaningless.
Clean water, followed by guns and ammo would be the most valued things. People might shoot you for you gold and silver.
Gold and silver meaningless? it’s been REAL money since Jesus walked the Earth. Also, study other countries when their currencies hyperinflated… what did they turn to? gold. Just google and you’ll see Venezuelans getting haircuts and paying in gold flakes. Not just Venezuela, Zimbabwe also had a currency collapse and is using gold to back their new currency.

If you were to go 250 years into the future and you could bring a bag of dollars or a bag of gold, which would you pick? If you don’t pick gold you’re crazy.

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If it really got that bad the gold and silver would be worthless. They have no intrinsic value except for modern industrial processes that wouldn't exist anymore. The other value has always been "oooh shiny!"

You can't eat them and you can't build anything with them. A loaf a bread will be worth more than a pound of gold in that scenario.
What good is a Gold or Silver bar going to do in a true SHTF scenario?

Seems to me a guy would want a farm with chickens, beef, pigs and a market garden.

We can’t eat gold….in a total collapse, why would someone that has food trade it for a chunk of metal They can’t do anything with?
What good is a Gold or Silver bar going to do in a true SHTF scenario?

Seems to me a guy would want a farm with chickens, beef, pigs and a market garden.

We can’t eat gold….in a total collapse, why would someone that has food trade it for a chunk of metal They can’t do anything with?
People kill each other for almost no reason, that doesn't make it valuable.
gold is not valuable?
in every currency fail in recent history gold and silver was used as a medium of exchange/payment for goods and services. history is things that have happened not an opinion of what may happen. Then there is the fact that those precious metals were used for thousands of years for trade/payments.
before modern industrial practices people were killed for their valuable gold....
Because it was somewhat rare and shiny. As opposed to other things that were easier to make or find more of.
But it doesn't have any real use outside that without industry.
Because it was somewhat rare and shiny. As opposed to other things that were easier to make or find more of.
But it doesn't have any real use outside that without industry.
That's funny. I bet if you had a kilo bar you would not throw it in the trash.
That's funny. I bet if you had a kilo bar you would not throw it in the trash.
No because it currently has value. But if it was the scenario you're talking about and you're looking at what you need to leave behind and what to take to survive that kilo bar of gold isn't coming with.
Way ahead of you noobs. My silver sheets will act as body armor AND currency. Just need to grab my Go-murse and vest and I'm out the door army crawling through the hostas never to be seen again.
No because it currently has value. But if it was the scenario you're talking about and you're looking at what you need to leave behind and what to take to survive that kilo bar of gold isn't coming with.
What scenario am I talking about?
Gold and silver have always had value.
And always will.
What scenario am I talking about?
Gold and silver have always had value.
And always will.
The classic SHTF scenario gold people always talk about. That's the only time it has no value at all.
No one is going to trade you food for gold.

It has value now, because people in this society value it. Not because it's useful for anything.
The classic SHTF scenario gold people always talk about. That's the only time it has no value at all.
No one is going to trade you food for gold.

It has value now, because people in this society value it. Not because it's useful for anything.

Please let me know the last time gold had no value on this planet.

Currencies have collapsed, famines, wars, nukes, always had value and always will have value. People in every civilized society have valued gold and silver. US dollar collapses-gold has value. Civil war-gold has value. EMP-gold has value....

There are places right now where the currency has collapsed and people are buying food, medicine and other things with gold and silver. Thru history people have used gold and silver to buy any 'useful' item/service that they needed.