Idaho Panhandle Fire Closures

Yep sure does suck.. Thought we were going to be ok but guess not.. Good thing I have no backup plan. Might have to switch to rifle if I can't figure anything out.. I talked to them this morning and said more closures are coming soon north and south if a lot of rain doesn't come very soon.
Im hunting just north of there and am praying for rain. They are reporting solid rain this weekend, but I'll believe it when I see it.
I'm hoping the rain comes and saves my friends archery hunts. Going to open a lot more mountainside up in the future for grass to feed the elk. It's the only bright side I can hold onto.
Guess I'm an optimist but I bet we are hunting by the 15

Man I sure hope so since my vacation time starts on the 16th.. I might have to venture north into unit 1 if nothing opens back up or if it doesn't close. I really did not a good feeling while talking to them on the phone with many areas open during September..
I fear the same for NW MT. It's been a long time since they closed the woods but it hasn't been this dry since the fire season of 1910. Praying for rain here as well.
I'm hoping the rain comes and saves my friends archery hunts. Going to open a lot more mountainside up in the future for grass to feed the elk. It's the only bright side I can hold onto.

Last time I hunted there it was like a jungle, so thick you could have a bull 20 yards from you with zero shoot op. That was during archery, I plowed my way thru some nasty thick stuff.
Fellas, we're all in the same boat and it really stinks. Brutal fire season. Brutal. Hoping the weather changes and opportunity opens. Scrambling like crazy trying to salvage our archery season.
I feel your pain, I am hoping for a lot rain. I had a back up plan then I looked at the Idaho Fish & Game wed site and found out my back up plan is closed as well. I need to come up with a back up plan to the back up plan
Yep, this is a brutal year. Private timberlands are looking for at least 2 inches of rain before they open back up to the public. Even University of Idaho public timberland is closed. Nasty.
Forecast for rain Sunday and next Thursday. I hope it's enough to make a difference. Sure wish they could get a the rain that's coming my way in Florida !
It rained for 30 minutes today... and saved my bacon. 80 acre brush fire sneaking up on my property. Supposed to rain hard tomorrow :). I'm going to hold out on hunting for another week. It hurts, but it is so dry I would rather watch the home front and not risk starting a fire in my elk hunting spots.
Glad that rain came for you today Terrapin. We got a little as well, but didn't have a fire breathing down our neck like you! Just smoke...I'm still going to give it a try tomorrow. Good luck!
Nez Perce - Clearwater National Forest : As a precautionary measure during extensive and severe fire activity, the Forests have issued an area closure prohibiting “human entry” into lands managed by the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, with the exception of the Palouse Ranger District.
It rained for 30 minutes today... and saved my bacon. 80 acre brush fire sneaking up on my property. Supposed to rain hard tomorrow :). I'm going to hold out on hunting for another week. It hurts, but it is so dry I would rather watch the home front and not risk starting a fire in my elk hunting spots.

That wasn't the fire on Ramsey and Bunner was it?