Its that time of year 2023 fitness goals

Trying to loose 40 pounds to be finally at my ideal weight at about 140 pounds.
Exercising about 5 times a week
2 times soccer and 3 times weight training
Possibly starting to run (I hate it)
Hopefully get same hikes in with a 30lbs pound bag.
And the worst of all, count calories and stay at about 1600 cals daily with mostly protein. About (160 g) for me daily

It’s going to be a long road!

I just got back from my elk hunt, and I am committing to losing a lot of weight now too. I am 248 and looking to go to 190 over the next year. I normally am 210-220 and feel ok but heavy on my hunts. But I gained weight in solidarity with my wife during her pregnancy and now it’s too much. I was able to do everything I needed to but the swelling in my knees was alarming, I need to be much much lighter.

Using the carbon dieting app counting macros and calories at 2750kcal/day right now, doing some variation of 5/3/1 and mtn tough, and trying to clear 8000 steps a day for now. Trying to lose it slowly and hopefully it’ll be more sustainable.
Just over 3 weeks out from my first half Ironman event. 😬 One more long ride and one more long run and then start tapering. Hoping for a better outcome after my first Oly tri 2 months back. The swim was a disaster and then I bonked on the run. I didn’t intake enough calories on the bike portion and it burned me. I think I’ve got my nutrition plan worked out now.
Just over 3 weeks out from my first half Ironman event. 😬 One more long ride and one more long run and then start tapering. Hoping for a better outcome after my first Oly tri 2 months back. The swim was a disaster and then I bonked on the run. I didn’t intake enough calories on the bike portion and it burned me. I think I’ve got my nutrition plan worked out now.
Same! I will be at memphis 70.3 hope your taper goes smoothly. My nutrition plan for the bike at this point is banana and pickle juice at transition, then 4/5 gels (500 calories) 2 waffles ( 260 cal) two heavy LMNT water bottles filled with an energy pwder mix so another 200. Plus the electrolytes il get at the first aid station.
Good stuff here! Triathlon is my sport of choice. Heading to Finland for the Ironman 70.3 World Champs in a couple weeks! Was hoping to go sub 4:30 at the 70.3 distance this year, but had a nasty wreck on my gravel bike 6 weeks ago and training has suffered. Going to have fun at this point!

Plan to get better mobility and focus on strength training over the off season. No trips out west this fall for me.

I can relate. Ran a 2:37 olympic, did a 1:13 sprint, then overabuse and a nasty bike wreck thanks to a driver that preferred his cell phone instead of his steering wheel.

Now my 70.3 is post 2 months of a torn labram and PT with very little running or biking.
Another month down. Good month for me- 188 miles, 1532 for the year- still on track for 2023. Only missed one strength workout, it's slowly coming back.

Got three nice backcountry trips in,one w/ my wife and Tiny Elvis, one with a rifle, one without. Going to try and squeeze in one more early season backcountry rifle hunt in this month; end of the month rifle season opens statewide :D






September seems like it went by way too fast. It's hard to believe we are 3/4ths of the way through the year. I have a short Elk hunt scheduled for October and then it's mostly on to bird hunting for me. I may do a little archery deer hunting near my house as that's open for awhile longer but it's not a great area for it. Here's where I'm at for my goals up to this point for the year.

Trail Running Miles- 332
Hiking Miles- 230
Mtn. Biking Miles- 742
Total Trail Miles- 1,304 of 1,600 for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 199,000 of 250,000 goal for the year
These are my fitness goals for 2023:
- Set a half marathon PR (missed this by 30 seconds at an icy event in January)
- come in top 3 for my age group in either of two local paddle/bike/run races (my first time trying these)
- see 165lbs on the scale
- Missed my half marathon PR by 29 seconds on my second half marathon this year
- took first in my age group for both paddle/bike/run races
- not likely to hit 165, and I'm not sure it's a worthwhile goal as long as I'm doing well in multisport events and I'm still under the "overweight" line with my current BMI
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I can relate. Ran a 2:37 olympic, did a 1:13 sprint, then overabuse and a nasty bike wreck thanks to a driver that preferred his cell phone instead of his steering wheel.

Now my 70.3 is post 2 months of a torn labram and PT with very little running or biking.
ended up with a 6:02 half iron. body feels like i got tossed down the frank church every day for a week.
Tardy in posting October's progress. Got a few backcountry deer hunts in, great hunts but no deer. 188 miles for the month (1720 for the year). Got most of my strength train days in and slowly moving up the weights w/ Wendler's 5/3/1.



I'm late as well but here's where I'm at through the end of October.

Trail Running Miles- 363
Hiking Miles- 275
Mtn. Biking Miles- 792
Total Trail Miles- 1,430 of 1,600 goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 217,000 of 250,000 goal for the year

I got in a short elk hunt last month, it was a wilderness horseback trip which is outside the norm for me but was still a good time. It's been a bit of a weird year overall. I'm easing into more trail running but I'm not back to where I want to be with that yet. I have a S. Dakota pheasant hunt this week and plan to focus a bit more on running after that's over. I may get in a little more archery deer hunting later this month on the extended season but most of my big game hunts are wrapped up for the year.

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Completed IM70.3 NC. Didn’t go as well as planned. Was shooting for 6:30 ended up at 7 hours. The headwind was pretty brutal and I was about 3mph slower on the bike than my average training rides. Oh well.

In the end my ultimate goal was to finish and anytbing else was just icing on the cake. This was a pretty big personal accomplishment for me. 6 months ago I could barely swim and I have a fear of the water (near drowning as a kid). Now, I can say I can swim over 1 mile in open water.

No other events lined up for 2023.

2024 events (as of right now)
Marathon in February
Half IM in May
Full IM in November???
November was a decent month, upland season! Still on track to meet my goals for the year with one month to go. I'm getting back into the swing of things with my trail running. Still building up a bit but I did three 7 mile trail runs this week. Hopefully I'll be back to 10 Mile runs before too long, though with the changing weather we'll see how it goes. My wife booked a cruise for December so that will likely affect my elevation gain a bit next month but I should still be able to accomplish my goal. Here's my update through November:

Trail Running Miles- 402
Hiking Miles- 326
Mtn. Biking Miles- 798
Total Trail Miles- 1,526 of 1,600 goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 233,700 of 250,000 goal for the year.

Stay healthy everyone!

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^ Nice; it's been a long time since I've feasted on pheasant- not much better eating!

212 miles for November, my highest month of the year; 1936 for the year, so (God willing) I should make my goal of 2023.

Strength training dropped to about once a week. Most of the miles were spent chasing elk, couldn't connect w/ a bull - not the first year, probably not the last year either :D

Did see a bunch of nice sunrises though :)




^ Nice; it's been a long time since I've feasted on pheasant- not much better eating!

212 miles for November, my highest month of the year; 1936 for the year, so (God willing) I should make my goal of 2023.

Strength training dropped to about once a week. Most of the miles were spent chasing elk, couldn't connect w/ a bull - not the first year, probably not the last year either :D

Did see a bunch of nice sunrises though :)





These never get old. Keep getting after it!

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Another year gone by. I hit my goal of 2023 miles on 12/19, finished the year with 2083 miles for the year. I don't think I missed any strength training (twice a week) in December, so getting back on track with that.

On the 19th instead of hitting my local single track trails, decided to give Casey Peak a go. It's a 12 mile out & back w/ ~ 3500' of gain.



Looking back my biggest month was November 212 miles (just happens to coincide w/ our big game season :)). Biggest week was in May- 72 miles, biggest day 32 miles (same week).

Lots of good adventures throughout the year and looking forward to more in this new year! :D
Well I accomplished my 2023 goals, but just barely. I didn't finish my elevation goal until the 28th of December. The year had plenty of challenges to overcome but I feel pretty good about where I ended up. I would have preferred another 250-300 trail running miles but, all things considered, I'm happy with my efforts. Here's where I ended up for the year:

Trail Running Miles- 474
Hiking Miles- 351
Mtn. Biking Miles- 798
Total Trail Miles- 1,623 of 1,600 goal for the year
Total Elevation Gain- 251,300 of 250,000 goal for the year

For me, a good goal pushes me but is still realistic and achievable if I consistently work at it. I feel like this one was about right for this year. Happy New Year everyone!

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