Jason Hairston of KUIU passed away today

Regardless of whether we liked him or not, this is a terrible day in the hunting community. Condolences to all close friends and family.
Very shocked and sorry to hear this. Just prayed for the family and will continue to do so. I hope the rumors aren't true about suicide, I lost a close friend to suicide close to 20 years ago and I still can't understand how he chose that path.
My heart goes out to those two wonderful kids he had. Prayers for them; no child should have to endure that.
I’m sad for everyone in his circle. My son and I just spent time talking with Jason at his last event and he was very cool. Easy guy to talk with.
I’m saddened and shocked to find this out. God bless his kids especially and all his loved ones. It’s a damn shame
Very sad. Prayers for his family. As has been said, take no-one in your life for granted and cherish every day.
Wow... I thought this was some kind of sick joke when I saw it on Instagram.

It really pains me to see this. Always thought what he did with hunting clothing was so cool. Man I just really thought he had everything going for him.

Prayers for his family and those who were close to him. RIP Jason

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I really appreciate the Rokslide community keeping this post on track and respectful. That is how it should be and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

RIP Jason and thanks for all your help.
Jason, may you rest in peace. You will be missed. May God bless your wife, children, and family.
Horribly shocking news. I’m very sad for the family. I guess all anyone can do for them now is pray. I have talked to him briefly when through the shop over the years, and he was always a pleasure to talk to.

He really believed in what he did, and worked hard to make his gear the best. His passion and enthusiasm for mountain hunting was an inspiration to get out and do those bucket list hunts that I’m working my way through.

Rest In Peace.
RIP Jason. He changed a lot of things with gear and pushed many new innovations and companies. I was not a huge fan but I respected (still do) what he accomplished and I can only dream that someday I can do what he did. Don’t take life for granted and remember tomorrow is no guarantee. Prayers sent.
Can't say much that hasn't already been said. Regardless of what you think about him, its a loss for the hunting community.

It is a very sad day in the hunting community. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hairston family.

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Sad and tragic loss for the hunting community. Prayers are with the family. Those out there struggling get help at all costs.
I'm so shocked by this, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.
I really didn’t believe it when I first read this. It’s absolutely terrible news and incredibly sad to hear. I think it’s great the community as a whole, be it individuals or brands, are paying respect to him today. Thoughts and prayers for the family.

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