Kifaru XPAC bags - noise

Nov 12, 2013
I have been running a 44 Mag and Ma Deuce combination for the past two seasons. I've found both bags to work well, but am considering looking to move to lighter weight Kifaru offerings. A move to an equivalent volume Xpac bag (Knargali, Dall, etc.) would save about a pound, which is not insignificant when pack capability stays essentially the same.

My question to Rokslide is this - I hunt the big woods of Eastern Canada primarily. It's usually cold (often below zero celsius) and lots of thick cover (saplings, branches, etc. brushing against the pack). In addition, a good portion of my hunting is spent either still hunting or tracking so it is not just like I hike the bag to a stand and it sits - the noise factor when moving is real.

Any comparative feedback between conventional Cordura and the Xpac combo bags regarding noise under these conditions would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
I have a muskeg and it definitely seems lounder then Cordura when a branch brushes against it. Other then that id say its the same.
But last year muzzleloader hunting in the snow i was extra careful not to let it brush anything.

Maybe a good way for you to check it out would be to order a hipbelt pocket and pay with it?
I just switched to Kifaru Xpac bags my last hunt and something important I noticed is the colder it gets, the more noise Xpac makes. In the middle of the afternoon when you get into your bag the noise difference is negligible. Early morning before light when it’s below freezing and into the teens the bag is very loud.
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Way too loud for my liking compared to 500D cordura. Does it make a difference to game? Probably not. Just personal preference I guess but I don’t care for Xpac material
it's louder in cold conditions like mentioned, but that's when opening the bag and messing with stuff... just wearing it and noise moving through brush i have not noticed it being much louder, and it does get more quiet with use in general. if it's cold, xpac is noisy to open up and close back up, that's the big noise difference to me, which doesn't bother me in the real world