Kuiu Guide Jacket vs Sitka Jetstream Jacket


Jun 1, 2012
On one of the 7 continents….
So assuming cost isn't an issue, which would you choose between the Kuiu Guide Jacket or the Sitka Jetstream Jacket? The main use would be for backpack sheep hunting.

Which between the two is the best at bucking the wind? Which is the better piece of kit between the two in your opinion?

I'm just wondering if I should just roll with the Jetstream jacket that I already have or get the Kuiu Guide Jacket.

Of course, I might just leave the softshell at home and just use my puffy jacket for insulation, and Chugach for wind. Might augment that with my Sitka Jetstream vest. Might save a few ounces. Decisions Decisions!
I have used the Guide Jacket in northern BC in early September for moose and it was fine. I also used it for moose in Wyoming in October in the snow at 9000 ft. again it worked excellent. I plan to use it on my goat hunt in BC this year and on my sheep hunts in the Brooks and BC in the next few years. Hope this helps....KUIU is excellent clothing. JJ
Their new Guide jacket has two chest pockets and a shoulder pocket.

I put in an order last Friday and they didnt mention the addition of the pockets on the shopping side of their site.

Now I dont have an excuse not to get one:)
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The KUIU Guide jacket breathes better, but the Sitka Jetstream blocks the wind better, imo. I think the Jetstream is a little warmer of a jacket. The Jetstream fabric also seems a little louder to me.

Unless you are really active while wearing the jacket and need the breathability, the Jetstream should do the trick. They are both great jackets!

I went with the guide. the jetstream will be more wind proof, but it also wont breathe nearly as well because it uses a laminate. Can be a good or a bad thing based on how your using it. The jetstream also rides very high in the back, where the guide does not. I also like the hood on the guide much more along with the overall fit of the guide.
I have both jackets and agree that both are great. You can split hairs all you you like and each would serve a similar purpose....now if you want a jacket for archery backpack hunting then you're looking in the wrong drainage! The Sitka Contrail jacket weighs 9 oz..... , is breathable, and held a cup of water over 3 seams overnight (my nonscientific test), and you can save you some money. I wore it full time last season thru rain, sun, hail, and snow just alternating sub-layers....there is no inner fuzzy layer. Do your legs a favor, drop close to a pound in weight.... I'll be wearing the Kuiu this season as the GF claimed the Contrail as her go-to.
If you already have the Jetstream run it!!! I love my KUIU gear but you already have one of those pieces. I do believe the KUIU is a better piece, especially the new Guide, lighter. You'll be dropping weight and losing the "windstopper"
I used the Jetstream on my brown bear hunt in Alaska earlier this year. Lots of wind and very cold temps. The Jetstream was very effective at stopping the wind. A great jacket for glassing during cold/windy conditions. Highly recommend it!
Thanks for all the comments. I've been using my Sitka Jetstream here at work training for my upcoming sheep hunt, and I've been impressed with it. Its functioning well in the cold and windy conditions here at site. Last night it functioned really well in a heavy wind/light snow here at 14,000 feet.

I'll stick with it as its a good piece of kit! The Kuiu guide jacket is about the only piece of Kuiu kit that I don't have and don't see a need right now to pick one up if they ever get them back in stock.