Laramie Wyoming Job Market

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
Any Wyoming guys have any insight on the job market in Laramie? Possibly could be relocating there next year for my wife to finish up her masters.
Nope. Never been to Wyoming. They have a med school there that my wife applied to and she’s on the short list for acceptance hence the possible move to Laramie.
Well, I know the med school instructors and she will like them. Not sure about Laramie itself :)

Good luck in your job search.
I haven't spent a ton of time in Laramie. We spend a couple of nights a year there. But, it seems like a decent place. And it's not far from Denver. And you will have great access to hunting. I'm jealous.
I was going to suggest you talk to Deertick, but i see he is on it! And, i have a feeling he knows a thing or two about the med school there. ;)
If I had the resources to start a small shop there I'd do that for sure, considering that's what I do now.
Laramie is great little college town. I used to live in Lusk way back when. Weather can be pretty brutal in the winter, especially considering how close it is to Ft. Collins. Lots of good stuff pretty much in your backyard and the world is your oyster within a days drive! Good luck!
I don't no any thing about Laramie.. But my opinion its pretty hard to beat hunting and fishing in the state of Wyoming... Especially after U become a resident..... Good luck on Ur move...
I lived in Laramie while going to school. I honestly loved it. Mountains are only about 30 min drive away with lots of very cool country to explore. If I was single and left to my own devices I would probably be back out there somewhere.....
Dont know about the job market, but I love the Library sports bar/grill. Grapefruit ipa and steamboat stout are my favorite beers.