WTS Left Hand RX-1


Jan 16, 2018
Polo, IL and Fort Collins, CO
Hey all! Looking to offload my Hoyt RX-1 in like new condition. I ordered the bow so I wasn't grabbing the soul of Jack Frost during cold hunts, picked up a recurve, Hoyt came in but it was too late. So, being a traditional shooter now and living in a smaller space than I did previously, I would like to sell it to create a little space. As I said, the bow is like new. It saw the tree stand less times than I can count on one hand. (just don't ask how many fingers I have on that hand) :LOL: it shoots like a dream, smooth draw, and rainbows follow the ark of the arrow of this bow shoots straight to the target, just as marketing would have you believe. Currently has a Hoyt QAD rest that matches limbs, and a black gold 3 pin sight. I'm willing to negotiate on price some depending on how much you take. 27-30" and 65# limbs. I would like
$850 shipped for the bow with the red WORX case
$880 shipped for the bow, case, and rest
$950 shipped for the package that is ready to shoot lions, Tigers, and bears

I also have more pictures I can send, but uploading them here always gives me trouble for some reason. I could sell a matching 6 arrow quiver, but it would be slightly later as it is at my whitetail farm now. Thanks for looking!
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