Mid-day hunting strategies


Nov 4, 2018
What are some good strategies for hunting during the day? Continue glassing, and hope to catch one moving or stalk slowly through the trees, and find one bedded? Are there certain types of terrain or geographic features that elk will frequently bed in or around?
Its situational....

If I'm tired I'll sit. If i know animals are in a spot I'll go after them in their bed. If I know they water in a spot I'll wait. Or im covering ground.

Take the info you have, use your crystal ball and then go with it.
One of my most memorable mid day experiences was when a huge bull came walking right up the draw I was sitting above towards a water hole on a warm sunny day about 1pm. Right out in the open in broad daylight. Anything can happen if you are patient and observant.
I do some scouting/glassing and take a nap near where I want to start my evening hunt. Its hard to get up at 4 to 5 am and stay up till 10pm day after day.
I'd argue that catching a short nap at some point during the mid day can be important when you're going hard for multiple days, can help keep focus sharp during the peak movement times as the days wear on.
Mid day nap definitely makes it easier to keep going after multiple days with little meaningful sleep at night.
Nap, I will glass and sit in a pinch point or travel corridor. A lot of time the afternoon winds are predictable its better to stay away from elk during those times.
Mid to late September bulls are on their feet all day, I will be too. Early season or still trying to locate elk I’ll do the smart thing and grab a small nap after lunch. Mid to late afternoon it’s back up and at ‘em just like the morning but in reverse.
I like to take a nap near a water source or where I can have a good view of the area,never know what is going to happen! if winds are swirling which they usually do I'll wait until the Elk bed for the day,back off a distance and go back when thermals are consistent.
I usually nap/eat at midday while sitting a water source or glassing position; its my way of doing something while I'm doing nothing. My naps only require 10-20 minutes however, so after that...back to walking. With exception of last year, I often come across just as many elk midday as other times.
If you're napping, make sure a lion doesn't mistake you for a deer :) It's in the back of my head ever since I had one stalking in on me
Same as any part of the day! I don't change much. Findem, callem, killem!


They like to hang out on north facing slopes and benches, preferably near water . Good place to still hunt maybe do some cold calling scenarios if it is early season.