Montana 2021

Strutters from the truck. One of them struggled with the fence. I suck at natural voice yelping so you'll have to overlook it. They gobble several times.

I'll be starting the spring turkey season off somewhere near this photo on Saturday morning.IMG_20210403_075910718.jpg
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Not exactly ideal weather for the turkey opener. I really wish Montana would push the start back a week then run to May 31st.
Exactly, but doesn't mean that I have to like it. 😁

How ya been Shrek?
I’ve been pretty good since getting over the Chinese virus in January. I put in for Montana combo so I hope to be in your area this fall. Maybe I can buy you lunch while I’m there if I get the tags.
I’ve been pretty good since getting over the Chinese virus in January. I put in for Montana combo so I hope to be in your area this fall. Maybe I can buy you lunch while I’m there if I get the tags.
Sounds good. When do you think you'd be here?
Ha ha I sometimes natural voice call to turkey I see and film then play it back and cringe lol Last time I was in Montana it snowed sevaral days but was not hard ground. Couldn't drive into the hunt area until it finally dried up after 2 days.

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I hunted with John during this MT opening weekend. John is from Washington and better known as Northwest Spur Chaser on Instagram and YouTube. I don't typically get to hunt with folks that know Merriam's turkeys as well as John.


Opening day of MT turkey was miserable in the afternoon but wasn't too bad in the morning. At around 10 AM we had a bird that seemed like was going to do it after he cut the distance between us, but another hunter tried to sneak in on the bird while calling to them. He busted them out and that was that. The rest of the day was spent hiking and calling in high wind and snow. We did an 8.5 mile loop with nothing but sore feet to show for it.


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Today, Day 2, was a better day. It started really cold for turkey hunting. It was 19 degrees when I crawled out of the bed of the truck this morning,but it was clear skies and no wind.

We found a bird at around 7:30 and John had him strutting at 15 to 20 yards by 7:45. I ran John's video camera and thought I did a pretty good job of capturing the action. Although,I jumped at the shot and the camera went a little squirrelly on me. :). He'll eventually air it on the Northwest Spur Chaser channel.

John has killed a pile of birds in WA and ID but this was his first MT bird.




We hunted until around 1:30 and got one bird to gobble a couple times but couldn't get him located or any more gobbles from him. I packed up and made my way home afterwards and left John in charge of the gobblers for another day or so.


I'll be back after them with my youngest son on Friday then my oldest on Saturday. I'm supposed to do a three day hunt with my pastor from Sunday evening through Wednesday morning next week if the weather is good.
I apparently left the turkeys in competent hands that knows how to keep the turkeys in check. Too bad I had to leave. We could have doubled this morning.
Great pictures and story. As we discussed, I'll be headed out to Montana on the 22nd to chase some birds around and these pics are making it hard to wait. Hope you have great hunts with your sons.
No LE elk permit for me but that's no surprise. I think I'll survive with a general elk license. :)

The antelope, antelope B, deer B, elk B, and Big Three drawings are still to come.
I did a little scouting this evening. I had my granddaughter so it wasn't anything too serious. I found a little turkey sign and spotted a couple hens. In addition to that we saw a brown phase black bear. It was walking down the road when I first spotted it but bolted into the brush when it saw me. I stopped when I got to where it bolted and it wasn't more than about 75 yards running up hill. Season actually started today and I have a license, but I don't particularly want to bail out of my truck and shoot one even if I'd had a rifle on me.

The bear wasn't especially big but I've seen smaller. It stood up on it's hind legs to look at me coming up behind it on the road. It looked like it needed a good brushing. It had lots of extra fluffy hair.




It's been a long week waiting for Boyd's first day out. We worked a bird with hens early for an hour before he drifted away and someone cut us off from following. We found this bird at 8:30 and had him killed by 8:50. He was one good looking bird sneaking in through the sun. I'm not sure I've seen one's head look any brighter.



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Listening this evening.

Seemed like an awful lot of folks (for Montana) out doing the same thing. Probably going to try somewhere different in the morning to try and avoid some of the crowd. We'll check these areas middle of the day if necessary after most folks go home.
First spring I hunted Montana on public I saw more hunters than I did on public in Alabama if you can believe that lol